Chapter Thirty Four: the Queens rage

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"You wanted to see me?" E.N.D stood at the door looking a Raynare sitting on her throne. He takes a few more steps inside.

"The battle will start tomorrow," Her smile was sinister. Her bangs covering her eyes.

"Are you sure?"

Then her head lifts up, showing her glowing red eyes, "Fairytail needs to die. Don't you agree?"

"You're testing me?"

"I saw you... I know. You have been walking around with your brother to find my demon and to top it all off, I saw you kiss her. The enemy but, she isn't yours though."


"You will die along with them but, right before your death. My demons first victim will be lucy and I want you to watch her die."

"You do that and I'll burn you to ash!" Fire formed around him and he was getting ready to attack. He could kill her right now. He sprints towards her, his flames ready to attack. Then a black shadow flies in front him and grabs his neck. It was cold. He looks to see purple eyes staring back at him. A deep frown on her face. Then it hit him. He knew this face.

"I'd watch yourself, demon." She says to him.

"Miss. Kimura....? What the...?" The fire around him dies.

She let's him go, "not exactly. She wasn't real. I'm Ankhseram. The God who cursed your brother. It's nice that we finally get to really meet." 

He watched her wide eyed. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"You look shocked and a bit confused. We did meet four hundred years ago but, I was your teacher then. I put on an act to see you. I wanted to take you away from Zeref but, that didn't work out that way. I really wanted you to die and I was going to do it."

"But.... you were so nice. You taught me so many things. You were like a friend to me."

"It was all a lie."

Natsu feel to his knees on the cold hard floor, "no..." Why did his life all have to be a lie? What even was his life? He didn't know anymore. There was so many secrets. So many mysteries. Everything he thought he knew was wrong. He was lied to, betrayed, emotionally beaten, stepped on by everyone close to him.

"It hurts doesn't it? Part of you wants to give up. So, why don't you? It's easy. I can do it for you. All you have to do is say yes," Her hand softly lifts up his chin. Her face inches from his.

"No way," he snarls back and punches her right in the face but, only making the God step back once. The punch barely even fazed her.

"You'll pay for that," the God gives Raynare a look.

The queen nods, "send Morina in or should I say Isabelle."

Isabelle is pushed on to the floor by Fuzen and someone else he remembered. It was Ajeel.

"Long time no see, Natsu. You sure have changed with all those etherious marks." The sand mage says.

"I can say the same to you. Lucy told me you, brandish, and Invel were all etherious now," he watches he's Isabelle laying on the ground in tears. Her body shaking with fear, "let her go," he begs to raynare.

"Hmmmm... no," She answers simply, toying with him.

"Come on, what happened to the girl I've spent time with these past few days. Where she cared about things and smiled. The one I wanted to be friends with."

"She's long gone."

"So, I have no choice but, to kill you? I don't really believe though that she's gone. You're letting Ankhseram control you! Stop this!"

The God walks over to Isabelle and grabs her hair, forcing her head up to look at him.
She had a black eye and a cut down her cheek, "when you give the order Raynare, I'll kill her. I'll make sure it's slow and painful. Her insides one by one will die, her heart being the last thing by magic hits."

"You monster!" Gold flames shoot out of the demons mouth, hitting his target.

The God easily brushes it away, "I'm way more powerful than you. You can't kill me no matter how hard you try. Even if you and your brother teamed up it wouldn't do anything. Little Isabelle is going to die and you're going to watch it all over again. Remember? You killed her so long ago with your fire because, you lost control," Her laugh was filled with pure evil. Filled with joy that she was going to kill soon.

He looks at her straight in the eyes, "kill me instead. Can my one life be worth as much as my friends? I'm supposed to be dead anyways...." His body shock and tears escaped from his eyes. He couldn't stand to watch her die all over again. He didn't want anything to happen to the guild. He didn't want his brother or lucy to die. He was supposed to protect her future. Fairytails future.

Ankhseram let's go of Isabelle and steps towards Zeref's strongest demon, "such a noble sacrifice. One I wouldn't expect from a demon but, I don't want your life right now. I want you to lose everything till all you have left is despair."

"Please... dont..." instinct told him to fight her but, he knew better. He wouldnt win against her and then after he was killed. His friends would have the same fate.

"Say goodbye to her while you can," a black smokey stream stretched out from her hand to the girl from edolas.

Her and natsu made eye contact and she mouthed to him, "protect the guild," fear left her eyes as she prepared for her death.

Natsu stood up ready to block the attack. He runs, he was almost there. His hand extended out as far as he could then he saw someone else run towards the magic. E.N.Ds eyes widen as he watches the boy get hit with the attack. Blood splatters on his face and isabelles.

She was screaming a name, tears ran fast down her pale cheeks, "Diaki!"

He hit the ground hard, black magic seeping through him. E.N.D could tell he was already dead.

Isabelle ran to him, held him and cried, "you idiot! No! Why?! You're going to be okay.... please...."

Fuzen watched from the throne next to Raynare. His eyes wide. He takes a look at the girl who created him. Her eyes were cold and careless, "raynare... this has gone too far."

She turns to him, "what do you mean?"

Then the throne room turns into a grayish blue color. The floor sinking in.

"What are you doing?!" Raynare shouts.

"The right thing. I'm sorry Raynare but, I can't let you do this," His eyes started to turn watery as he looked at her.

Her eyes did the same. She reaches out to him, "don't do this! I need you!"

"I'll come back. I will always belong to you."


The God disappears fast. Raynare's Knights sink into the floor completely disappearing. Ajeel, brandish, and Invel were trapped so, was the cursed girl in her chair. Their feet were stuck and Fuzen casts a spell to embolize their magic. He was capable of stopping cursed magic too.

"How could you do this?" Raynare asks her demon.

"Because, all this isn't what you truly want. You used to love life and you gave it to as many as you could. You can't tell me any different, we've been together for a long time but, I want you to know this. Even though we are fighting on different sides now, I love you," He admits.

Her eyes widen at those three words, "please don't go..."

"I have to. We will see each other soon," he walks away from her and grabs Isabelle and E.N.D to leave.

"Get away from me!" Natsu shouts shaking him off.

"Shut up! We don't have much time to esacpe. We need to get the rest of your guild."

"Why are you helping us?"

"I'll explain later. Come on!"

"I'll don't trust you," the fire demon grumbles but, follows.

The guild runs out quickly. Fuzen knew somewhere safe to hide for now and the battle will start very soon.

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