Chapter Thirty Two: fire dragon slayer

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The next day Natsu wandered throughout the underground city. Checking things out and finding secret passenge ways. He mostly wanted to find where Raynare keeps her demon. He could feel the magic power radiating throughout the place but, the tunnels here were like a maze. He could never get to that spot.

He sighs almost admitting defeat for the day till he hears some light footsteps behind him. He turns quickly to find his brother.

"How long have you been following me?" He growled.

"I wasn't but, I am roaming around trying to find the demon," zeref explains.

"I was doing the same thing. Raynare was going to kill if I sided with her. Obviously that was a lie."

"Of course. Have you really sided with her?"

"What do you think?" E.N.D snaps at him.

"I'm hoping it's an act."

"That's interesting but, what if I actually am with her?" He smirks devilishly.

"I don't know..."

"Isn't that a scary thought though? No one could stop me."

Zeref takes a few steps closer to his little brother, "natsu... please be with us. With fairytail. We all miss you... I miss you..."

"Hmmm... no. I got things to do here."


"Dont worry about it," he does his famous grin.

Zeref couldn't help but, smile back. His eyes turned soft as he looked at Natsu.

"Anyways, want to help me find the demon? I'm having trouble too."

"Yes," zeref almost jumps with joy but, holds back.

They walk around almost two hours without any luck. They were deeper in city by now. The air was stuffy and the halls grew darker and more narrow. Then they heard a noise. It was loud and sounded like something heavy was moving. Zeref looked around frantically and what was happening clicked in his mind. The walls were moving. Magic power radiated all around them.

"The walls..." He almost whispers.

"I know... we'll never get there. It all changed. I don't even know how to get back anymore which could be a big problem," the demon says.

"What should we do?"

"The only thing we can do."

The black wizard looked at his brother confused till Natsu let out a stream of flames from his mouth at the wall next to them.

"What are you...?"

"We are going back the direction we came from and I'm taking down every wall until we get back. I'm really good at destroy stuff."

Zeref's grins slightly, "got it," he throws a death orb at the next wall and it boars a round hole in it.

"Good job."

"I'm good at destroying stuff also."

"It must be a dragneel thing."

They both laugh together and continue their way out.


For some reason as Natsu walked along in sand, he couldn't help but smile. He had fun getting lost with his brother. They talked a bit more. Zeref shared his feelings about Mavis being a ghost and how hard it can be but, he's happy he gets to see her still and be with her. They talked a bit about lucy too. His brother told him that lucy wants to try and be with him even though he isn't exactly the natsu she knew. It made him feel a bit of hope.

He looks down at his left hand, seeing a small pale hand in his. It was Akari's. The little girl uses fire magic and he promised to train her. He was going to attempt dragon slayer magic with her. He had dragon powers so why couldn't he teach it?

"What was the dragons name that raised you?" She asked.

Raynare followed behind lost in her own thoughts.

"Igneel. He was the fire dragon king," natsu tells her.

"That's so cool! What happened to him?"

"Well, he was missing for most of my life then I found out he a was living inside me the whole time... then he..."

She waited for the rest of his answer patiently.

"He died...."

"I'm sorry," Her tiny arms wrap around his legs and he pats her head.

"Does this seem like a good place to train?" Raynare asks them both.

"Aye!" A small voice was heard from the sky.


"It's a kitty!" Akari shouts holding her arms up to reach him.

The cursed girl frowns. She didn't know how she felt about the exceed joining them. Happy might get in her way with Natsu.

The demon and Akari do some quick stretches before they begin. She shows him a little bit of fire spells she already knows. They weren't powerful or anything. He decides to first teach her how to light her fists on fire. After half an hour she was able to produce sparks. She laughs and screams with joy. They keep practicing till she almost is about to run out of magic power.

Raynare was sitting down on the ground, her knees brought up to her chest as she watched them both. Happy picked up Akari and carried her a little aways but, still in sight. The little girl loved it.

Natsu sits down next to her, "She's doing really good. She got it alot quicker than I did."

"Really? But, you already used fire magic though?"

"Yeah I used curse magic but, learning actual magic was a little difficult. There's a lot of differences between the two."

"Thank you for teaching her... except I don't know if she'll be able to finish it."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because, there will be a war soon and I know your still with fairytail."

E.N.D was about to deny it.

"Dont bother lying. I already know the truth. I didn't believe you for a second."

"Then why am I here?"

She looks at him, making eye contact, "because, I love spending time with you. I..." She inhales deeply preparing herself for her next words, "I've fallen in love with you."

He eyes widen and his mouth hangs down in shock.

"Is it really that hard to believe?"

He tries to collect himself, "Raynare...."

"You don't feel the same?"

"I just started to get to know you as a person.... and you still want to hurt my friends... and im still married to Lucy... how about we be friends though?" He smiles nervously hoping he didn't make things worse.

"Friends...?" Disappointment stabbed her heart, making it ache, "I'm sorry I even said anything..." She wanted to cry so bad.

"I know it's not what you wanted to hear..."

The sat there in awkwardness till happy and Akari came back. The four walked back home together.

"Friends is fine with me for now," Raynare whispers in his ear. She wasnt going to stop her plans though. The battle was drawing near with endless possibilities. She might die or E.N.D but, in her heart she longed for one specific death. A death that would end everything.

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