Chapter Thirty One: morina

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After the long and exhausting night of the party, E.N.D laid in his bed, watching the ceiling. He let's out a long sigh, trying to clear his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about lucy. She was there at the party and flash backs of her tears going down her face as she watched him dance with Raynare. He wondered what he thought of him now. It isnt like he has feelings for Raynare or anything. He'll have to find lucy and explain. He wondered where she was hiding ND if the rest of the guild was here. He did feel his brothers presence at the party.

There was a knock on his door all the sudden. He tells them to come in and a girl with blonde hair and purple eyes shows up through the door.

"Morina..." He says. He watched her intently. Natsu couldn't believe how much she looked like isabelle.

"E.N.D... do you need anything?" Her voice was somewhat nervous.

He looked at her with confusion, "what?"

"Do... you need anything? Like extra blankets or tea or any food?


Her eyes widen, "I'm to be your servant. Queen Raynare told me so." Then her eyes grew sad and full of fear.

"I guess tea would be nice."

She brings in a table with wheels and pours him a hot cup of tea and hands it go him, "anything else?"

"Is Morina your real name?"

She looks down at her feet, "no."

He gasps, "What is it then?"

Her eyes watched his eyes for a few seconds, "I don't know..."

"Just tell me. You are my servant so you're supposed to."

"Right.... its... isabelle..."

E.N.Ds mouth hangs open, "isabelle...? No way... I killed you." He gets in his feet, resting his hands on each of her shoulders.

"Im... from edolas... I'm not the one you knew."

"How are you even here? It was four hundred years ago."

"Ford hundred years ago I was alive then... I lived in edolas.... then something happened... I ended up in earthland... like something was pulling me. I showed up in front of the eclipse gate... I saw you... gajeel, rogue, sting, and Wendy there but, all of you were young like me. It seems I was as the only one to remember that memory because there was no dragon by my side..."

"The dragon who raised Isabelle was killed by acnologia."

She nods, "zeref was there to.... and a celestial wizard named Anna. She opened the gate. After we entered everything was a blur till it opened in the year x777 and another celestial wizard opened the door named Layla."

"Lucy's mother...."

"All of the dragon slayers purposes were to kill acnologia. When Isabelle died they must've wanted me so they took me from my world. That's the only theory I can come up with..." She was interrupted by the tight grip from natsu hugging her.

"I know that you're not actually her... I just..."

"It's okay."

"Do you know dragon slayer magic?" He let's her go

"I had to get it like laxus did. I'm a second generation I guess."

Natsu pours her a cup of tea and offers it. She takes it and they both sit down on the bed.

"Zeref must've told you the truth about the eclipse gate and the dragons?"

"Yeah, when we had a deep conversation it came up."

"He waited four hundred years to see you again..." Morina smiles slightly, "he loves you."

Natsu scoffs, "he can be a pain in the ass."

"Still though... he would've never chose to get rid of his curse over you."

"I'm not so sure."

"He got cursed trying to bring you back to life... and he knew it was a possiblity but, he did it anyways. Why would he kill you to be not cursed anymore? It wouldn't make much sense. He'll always choose you. He eventually chose you over dying. Did you really side with her?"

He smirks, "that's for me to know and for you to... dot dot dot."

"Lucy seemed hurt after she saw you two dancing."

"Yeah but, isn't like that with me and her."

"You need to tell lucy that."

"I will. I have alot for things to tell her."

"Like how you lllloooovvveee her!" A small voice comes from the door.

"Happy," natsu beams at his best friend.

The exceed hugs him, "I'm sorry that I haven't been around you for a while.... it was horrible of me. It's all been so hard on all of us. Please forgive me."

"Sure, buddy," He pets the top of Happy's head.


"Well, anything else you need while I'm here?" Isabelle asks.

"Why did she have you serve me?"

She frowns, "I'm sure she knows I'm a traitor. I'm sure my punishment and Diaki's will come soon..."

"Why would you risk it?"

She grins at him, "because, it was right and even though you're a demon who's supposed to end the world, you still are the symbol of hope. Which I've heard is how the guild has always looked at you."

"Isabelle.... I won let her make you in one of those demons in the tunnels... you're a friend now... and I'll protect you, I promise."

Her eyes soften, "thank you. I'll try and keep the guild safe. I'll be leaving now. Goodbye, natsu." She bows and leaves the room.

"Isabelle?" Happy wonders.

"It's a long story."

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