Chapter Nine: finding information

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E.N.D, Lucy and happy head over to the house to grab her books. Her and levy had the only few remaining ones left.

"I doubt reading any of these books are going to do any good," E.N.D says, "it'll probably be a waste of time."

"What other options do we have and what if there is something in them to help us?" Lucy questions him.

They reach their place and she hands a stack of book in his arms. Happy takes a few. She grabs some for herself.

"Why do I have to carry the most?" The demon asks.

"You're stronger," she simply answers.

"Can't argue that."

She turns around to look at him, "why are you doing this? Why are you helping us?"

"I'm not helping you. I don't want some chick making demons and putting them all over the world and I need to destroy that really powerful demon she talked about."

"I know that...."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I don't know if I can explain it right. Well, you know how she was talking about you being part human and having emotions and stuff... Do you? Also, she said there's something getting in the way of you ending the world. Is that true? What is it?"

"Luce... I was human and died then turned to Etherious. I'm not bound to human emotions. I do what I want and take what I want. Now, about me not ending the world yet well, I just want to have fun for a bit," his expression was evil.

"What do you mean by fun?" She asks nervously.

He laughs for a second. Low, quiet, and full of wickedness. His eyes glow yellow.

Lucy just storms off on her own, feeling annoyed, She really wanted to punch him in the face but, finally they reached Levy and Gajeel's home. She knocks on the door.

Levy opens it, "hey, Lucy! Come in!"

She does so and so does E.N.D who looked like he wanted to leave the second he got there.

"Yay! You guys are here!" Erza yells with joy as she clutched Jellal's arm.

"Yep! So, did you guys start reading yet?" Lucy asks.

"Just a few. There's been no luck," Wendy tells her.

"Well, hopefully there's something in the books I've brought."

Then the door opens again and Zeref and Mavis come walking in.

"I brought cookies!" Mavis screams. Her cheeks pink.

"Yum!" Everyone crowds her and grabs one. E.N.D waits till the crowd was gone to get one. He reaches out and meet eye contact with the black wizard and first master. Zeref looked sadly at his little brother. Everything they built together was gone.

"Thanks," the demon says halfhearted and walks away to grab a book. He sits down and starts reading.

The whole room goes quiet as they watch him read. He even put glasses on to read faster.

"How odd...." Levy says.

"Very..." Lucy agrees.

"He's actually reading," grey was shocked.

"Why are you guys staring at me?!" He yells with annoyance.

Everyone just turns back to reading.

Zeref slips on some pair of glasses and starts reading.

"You look cute with them on," Mavis says while blushing. She had a pair on too.

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