Chapter Nineteen: I saved you

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E.N.Ds eyes opened. He notices he was laying on a bed. Looking around some more he realized he was in the infirmary. His head was pounding and he looked over to find Lucy. Her head down on the bed sleeping. Grabbing her shoulder, he shakes her a bit.

Her head comes up slowly, making eye contact with his, "hey, you're finally awake," She says with a smile, rubbing her eyes.

"How many days has it been?"

"Two. That curse took a lot out of you."

"Well, stopping it really did. Is everyone in the guild okay?"

"Yep, I should tell them you're awake. Zeref will be really happy, he was worried..." She stands up.

"No, dont. I don't want to see him. Please sit back down."

She does, " you just said please. Natsu doesn't even say that " Her laugh was light and happy.

"Trust me, it's odd when I say it to. I only do when I mean it." He smiles slightly, "or scared."

"You? Zeref's strongest demon feels scared? I can't believe it," She says playfully.

"Ha ha ha, you're so funny. I told you that out of confidence but, you just picked on me." He laughs then his face is serious, "anyways, thank you for saving me."

"How much do you remember?"

"I remember seeing you, talking to me. Then I could feel like the curse stopped and everything went black from there."

"Then how do you know I saved you?"

He grins, "because, I just know."

"Yeah, I saved you from hitting the ground. I didn't want anything to happen..." She blushes, "happy had a tough time carrying both of us so we eventually fell but, it wasn't too bad as it could've been."

Suddenly E.N.Ds hand reaches up, his palm placed on the blonde Mages cheek, "thank you."

Her eyes widen at his touch. She missed natsu's touch. Lucy leans into it, closing her eyes, "you're welcome." She smiles happily.

His thumb brushes against her cheek, "lucy... i..."

Then her eyes snap open and pushes his hand away, "I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm doing. I only saved you for natsu. I don't want to lose him." She stands up to leave.

"I need to tell you something." He grabs her hand.

They stare for a moment, "I should go.... I'll see you later," and her hand slips out of his and he watches her leave.


Zeref was sitting on a rock watching the sunset. He hears soft footsteps walk towards him. He turns to find lucy.

She waves with a smile that didn't really reach her eyes, "hey, E.N.D is finally awake."

"He is? That's great. I'm glad he's okay." His grin was loving and kind.

"Aren't you going to see him?"

"No, he probably doesn't want to see me. Our last conversation wasn't that pleasant."

She just nods.

"Something troubling you?" He asks.

She sits down next to him, "the sunset is beautiful."

"It is. You didn't answer my question, which makes me think something is wrong."

"Something has been wrong for awhile. I miss natsu. I want him back more than anything."

Fairytail: The Demon Kingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن