Chapter Twenty Six: broken

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E.N.D walked back to the group. His mind was running crazy. Lucy was back with everyone already. She was talking to the girl named Morina. That girl looked so much like an older version of Isabelle and it bothered him. Erza and Levi were talking with her also. Then he saw his brother with her, with mavis by his side.

'What happened to make mavis be here? She was supposed to watch over the guild back home...' He thinks.

He watches zeref talk to the girl. His eyes were kind and he was listening intently to the words coming out of her mouth. Then the black wizard smiles. Natsu never really thought anything of it before when he did but, now he saw. Zeref's smile was different then it ever was before. It was all because of fairytail. Mavis grabs his hand, her green eyes lighting up the cloudy day. Except Morina and Diaki couldn't see her. They didn't understand what was going on. Mavis was pretty much a ghost. His brother was in love with a ghost. E.N.D wondered if it ever made zeref sad. Mavis missed out on a bunch of life and horribly enough it was taken away by their love for each other.

Then lucy meets eye contact with E.N.D. They stare at each other for a long moment. Her eyes held a thousand apologies. They held sadness and despair. She feels like she lost the one she loves even though he's standing right in front of her. She wondered if she could ever love him like she did with the natsu before. She thought maybe she could try.

He looks away from her and back to zeref. He's smiling and waves for the demon to come over to him. He takes a step. E.N.D had so many questions for him. He needed them to be answered right now.

"Zeref, we need to talk," he says.

Zeref looked a little worried but, agreed. They walk a little ways from everyone else.

"Did you ever talk to the God who cursed you recently?"


"Just answer the question," His fists tighten up.

"I did. It was a few days ago."

"What did you talk about?"

Hurt filled his eyes, "what brought all this on?"

"I heard something..." the Etherious head hung low, his bangs hanging over his eyes.

"Oh.... who told you?"

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not... I'm not planning on doing it."

"I heard you were... why don't you do it?"

The dark Mage flinches, "you're my brother. I don't want to be without you...."

"even if it takes everyone else's happiness away like Mavis?"

Zeref looks down at his feet, "it was tempting when she offered it.... I'll be honest... I'm so sorry.... but, I chose you..." Tears welled up in his black eyes, "natsu..." He reaches out to touch is arm.

E.N.D steps away from him, "you almost agreed to it?" He eyes were wide with hurt and betrayel.

"I didn't do it though..."

"Only because, you couldn't live with the guilt if you have."

"That's not true! You're putting words in my mouth."

"I'm telling the truth.... you look at me now like I'm just a bother. Like I don't belong here. All of you are scared of me, and it's all for good reason.... and you know that... my existence brings everyone nothing but, death... you... you always chose to get rid of that curse over me!"

"Natsu... please listen to me for once... it's not like that...."

"Shut up!" A Flaming fists hits the black wizard in the face knocking him to the ground.

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