Chapter Thirty Eight: country demolisher

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Zeref sets Raynare softly on the ground. He couldn't kill her but, he beat her. She was knocked out cold.

"I'm so sorry," he says. Then he hears footsteps behind him.

"You did it," Fuzen had a hard cold look on his face.

"Yeah, she will be out for awhile I hope."

"Now your bother will have to do his part."

Suddenly zeref felt something. It was familiar yet very different. It was pure evil, "no way..."


Team Natsu already fought off many of the soldiers. There were easy to beat but, there was so many of them. They couldn't let themselves get tired or run out of magic. Too much was at stake.

A strong magic power floods the atmosphere then, "don't run out of too much magic power. You haven't even fought me yet."

Lucy looks, "brandish..."

"It's nice to see you again," Her face held no emotion.

"I got this fight! You take care of the others!" The celestial wizard tells her friends.

The team agrees but, were cautious.

"You really want to fight me?" The girl says.

"I don't want to. I have to. I need to protect my friends. Stardress Leo!" Her outfit changes and gains her spirits powers.

"Your magic can't do much against mine."

Lucy was shaking. Brandish was right, there wasn't much she could do.

"I need to ask you something," the enemies tone changes into curiousity.

"Huh?" Lucy asks shocked. She wasn't sure she heard right.

"Did you... did you hear that my mom... she died... your mom killed her!"

The blonde Mages eyes open wider, "She wouldn't do something like that."

"But, she did... your mom wanted the zodiac key called Aquarius. She killed her and stole it."

"No way. You're wrong."

"You're the one that is wrong."

"My mom wanted the key to open the eclipse gate to bring the dragon slayers to the present time. My mom died because, she didn't have that key! She sacrificed herself in place of that key. Gave her life."


"Brandish... it's the truth."

The country demolisher stared at the mage before her. The girls eyes were compassionate and sincere, "you told me the truth about zeref... how we were just pawns to him. How he planned on all of us dying...."

"I don't want to hurt you."

Brandish falls to her knees, "everyone lies..."

Lucy goes on her knees to in front of her, "I haven't. Your mom couldn't bring the key to my mom in time.... but, they both used to be friends. Let's to be friends too!" She wraps her arms around her into a hug, "I want to be friends with you."

Tears ran fast down brandish's cheeks and she embraced Lucy back, "I'm sorry... I..."

"It's okay. I'm sorry too."

"There's something I need to tell you.... you won't be able to win this time... the demon she created..."

"It's believe in Natsu to defeat him."

"It's know... but, this demon was made to kill him. To have something strong enough to do that got a major power boost. Do you feel the magic power around us?"

Lucy nods.

"It's not from all the magic being used around us... it's from the demon."

"Are you saying it's already here," Her eyes filled with fear.

"Yes.... it's here and it's searching for him. It will find him and when it does... it's over. All of it. Him, zeref, me, you.... Raynare can't control it. It has a mind of its own. We are doomed."

The celestial wizard rests her hands on the green haired girls shoulders, "don't say that. Fairy tail will find a way to stop it."

"Lucy.... you don't understand..."

"I do.... but, I know we can get through this. I'll even find Natsu and fight by his side if it means to protect everyone."

"Your guilds bond really is something else."

"It's family," lucy smiles at her and she smiles back.

"It'll have to gain some faith too then."

"Do you know what it looks like?"

"Like a monster..."

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