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Vivian is walking trough a forest when she bumps into a random guy.

Vivian: Ow!

RG: *Points his crossbow at her* Who are you!?

Vivian: Wow dude! Put away the bow!

RG: Only if you tell me who you are!

Vivian: You point a crossbow at me! I want to know your name first!

RG: Deryl Dixon.

Vivian: Vivian Elessar. What are you doing here? You don't seem like a guy from Middle Earth. And you smell bad. Yuck,

Deryl: Someone knocked me out and I woke up here.

Vivian: *Grabs some perfume and sprays it towards Deryl* That smells better.

Deryl: Do you want to explain me where the hell I am?


Deryl: I'm sorry.

Vivian: You're in Middle Earth!

Deryl: It sounds weird.

Vivian: You're weird!

Deryl: I was just killing Walkers and a moment later I was here.

Vivian: What are Walkers?

Deryl: Zombies.

Vivian: Okay... Gross. That's why you smelled so bad!

Deryl: No. I haven't taken a shower in ages.

Vivian: GROSS!!!

Deryl: Speak for yourself!

Vivian: I smell better than you!

Deryl: That's true.

Vivian: Can you show me your world?

Deryl: I don't know if you want that.

Vivian: PLEASE!!!

Deryl: Okay... But I need to find my way back then.

More persons arrive. Two boys and one girl.

Michonne: Deryl! There you are! Who's the girl?

Deryl: Vivian?

Vivian: *Nodds*

Michonne: My name is Michonne. *Offers hand*

Vivian: *Shakes hand* Pleasure to meet you.

Rick: Rick Grimes. *Offers hand*

Vivian: Vivian Elessar. *Shakes hand* And who's the little fellow over there?

Rick: It's my son Carl.

Carl: You look like my mum.

Vivian: *Blushes heavily* Oh.

Rick: I'm sorry. His mother just died and she did look like you.

Vivian: Well thanks.

Rick: She was pretty, caring, sweet and loving.

Vivian: I'm sorry for your loss. My name is Vivian. *Offers hand to Carl*

Carl: *Shakes hand carefully* Carl.

Vivian: Don't be afraid I won't hurt you. You all look exhausted! Do you need any food?

Michonne: If you can mis some then we're very thankful for it.

Vivian: We've got plenty of food!!! Follow me!

The group follows Vivian.

Vivian: You're with more people?

Rick: Yes. Maggie, Glenn, Carol, Sascha and Judith.

Vivian: Where are they?

Carl: Judith is here. *Holds a baby*

Vivian: She's beautiful! Can I hold her?

Carl: *Looks at his dad*

Vivian: I'm a friend. I won't hurt her.

Rick: *Nodds*

Carl: *Hands Judith over to Vivian*

Vivian: *Holds the baby carefully* Hey Judith. You've got such a pretty name.

Judith: *Giggles*

Rick: She giggled! She never giggled or laughed before! Only when she was with Beth!

Vivian: *Sits down and tickles Judith* She's such a pretty baby.

Suddenly Frodo walks in. He looks at Judith then at Vivian and then back at Judith, he turns pale and almost faints.

Frodo: VIVI? How? What? When? Why didn't you told me!?

Vivian: Wow wow wow! She's not mine! I mean ours.... She's the daughter of Rick!

Frodo: Who's Rick!?

Rick: I am.

Michonne: Why are you so small?

Vivian: Long story! You need to read a history book to know that.

Michonne: Aha.

Carl: Are you two in love?

Vivian: We're married. *Plays with Judith's hand* She's just so cute!

Judith: *Giggles again* Mu...

Carl: She's going to say something!

Judith: Mummy

Vivian: Uh oh. That was her first word! But I'm not her mum. *Gives the baby back*

Judith: *Starts to cry*

Vivian: I'm so sorry!

Rick: It's not your fault. *Gives Judith back* You can still hold her for a while.

Vivian: Thank you! Oh yeah! Food! Follow me!

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