Suicide Squad

37 2 0

Vivian was hanging upside down from the ceiling. A blanket was hanging from the ceiling. Vivian used it to be less bored. The blanket was swinging back and forth with her on it.

Frodo: Oh dear. What's this?

Vivian: Hey!

Frodo: Why are you hanging upside down?

Vivian: I saw this in a movie and tried it aswell.

Frodo: You're entirely bonkers.

Vivian: Thanks.

Frodo: Are you coming down from there or what?

Vivian: Nope. *She used the blanket to tumble over*

Frodo: Okay. But don't hang upside down any longer. You'll get a headache.

Vivian: Thanks for caring. *Tumbles over again*

Frodo: Weirdo.

Vivian: Call me when you made supper!

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