Christmas #4

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Prim and Bilbo are outside. Prim is building a snowman. Bilbo laughs and throws a snowball towards Prim.

Prim: BILBO!!!

Bilbo: Yes Prim?

Prim: Don't take me as an idiot! *Grabs some snow. Makes a snowball and throws it towards Bilbo*

Bilbo: PRIM! That's cold!!!

Prim: *Laughs* It's your own fault!!!

Bilbo: Hmpfh... I hate you.

Prim: You don't hate me! You love me!

Bilbo: Ugh.

The couple is having a snowball fight. After the fight they're drinking hot chocolate. They're opening their presents and are playing a game.

Prim: *Yawns* It's pretty late. I think I need to go home.

Bilbo: Yeah... You're right it's late.

Prim: *Walks towards the door but sees a mistletoe* Look.

Bilbo: A mistletoe.

Prim: Yeah.

Bilbo: I had fun. *Kisses Prim*

Prim: *Kisses him back and pulls away* Me too.

Vivian: *Appears out of nowhere* YESSSS!!!

Bilbo: VIVI? What are you doing here!?

Vivian: I live here... Duh!

Prim: *Laughs* I got to go... Bye Bilbo!

Bilbo: Bye Prim.

Vivian: Goodbye Prim!!!


Bilbo: You don't have to yell!!!

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