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Name: Primrose Took

Race: Hobbit

Siblings: Pippin Took and his 3 older sisters (Pearl, Pimpernel and Pervinca)

Friends: The Company, Tauriel, Arwen, Eowyn and Radagast the brown

Best Friends: Ori, Kili, Frodo and Legolas

Relationship: Bilbo Baggins

Looks: Has long, wavy (unlike the usual curly) blonde hair that reaches her waist. She's quite pale but her face is a bit more tanned than her body due to being exposed to more sun. She has bright blue eyes and has a scar on her neck from an accident when she was young playing around with Bilbo.


Normal- A floor length, blue dress with lace around the edges

Traveling-a brown skirt that comes to her knees and a white button up shirt with a purple waistcoat.

Often she will have fingerless gloves that vary in design.

Height: 1.17 metres- Just under the normal height for a hobbit.

Weakness: Her family and friends, she will always make sure they're safe before worrying about herself and she's absolutely terrified of fire.

Pets: A duck named Butternut that lives with her in Hobbition


She has known Bilbo Baggins all her life and is very close with the Hobbit. He and her once were playing around with sticks that they had lit on fire. They were only young and Primrose ended up with a burn on her neck which left a scar.

She is very close with her younger brother Pippin and often has fun with him and Merry. She left Hobbiton once to go to Bree to visit some relatives and ended up enjoying traveling and does it often. When she's not traveling, she has a shop in the market selling little trinkets

Fighting skills:

She's actually quite afraid of weapons but is very intrigued by them. She is quite good with a bow and arrow but often has people help her when she tries to use it. She's better with a sword and can actually wield it

Big Secret: she is pretty much and open book. She doesn't keep many secrets. Her biggest secret is her duck. She doesn't try to keep it secret, but they just dont know.

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