Christmas in Minas Tirith!

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Vivian: Frodo! Hey Frodo! HEY!

Frodo: WHAT!?

Vivian: Get dressed... We're going to Minas Tirith!

Frodo: I'm already dressed!

Vivian: You're not going to wear THAT to a christmas party!

Frodo: Come on! I always wear this!

Vivian: That's why! Search for something else.

Frodo: Like what!?

Vivian: *Throws a white shirt and black pants towards Frodo* You can wear this.

Frodo: Okay,

Vivian: *Walks towards her closet, grabs a red dress and slides it on. She jumps in a pair of red pumps* Done!

Frodo: You look amazing!

Vivian: *Blushes* Well thank you.

Frodo: I'm also done! *Grabs Vivian's hand* Let's go!

The couple arrives at Minas Tirith.

Aragorn: Vivian! Frodo! You both look amazing! Come on! Follow me!

Arwen: Vivian! You look beautiful! And Frodo! How great to see you again!

Frodo: Same to you Lady Arwen.

Arwen: Just call me Arwen! You're married to Vivian so you're practically family!

Frodo: Right... I'm sorry.

Arwen: Don't appologize! It's okay!!!

Aragorn: You must be hungry! Follow me then we shall eat!

The company arrives in the dining room. A lot of food is standing on the tables.

Arwen: Go and sit down!

Vivian: *Sits down across Aragorn and Arwen*

Frodo: *Sits down next to Vivian*

Aragorn: Merry christmas! And a happy new year! *Raises his glass of wine*

Arwen: Merry christmas! *Raises her glass also*

Vivian: Merry christmas! *Raises her glass*

Frodo: Merry christmas! *Raises his glass*

Everyone starts to eat. After a while they're sitting round in front of the fireplace.

Aragorn: We've got presents!

Vivian: We forgot ours! I'm so sorry!

Frodo: We didn't knew you even had presents for us!

Arwen: It's not bad! It isn't about the presents it's about family! And you two! Are our family! *Gives a present to Vivian*

Vivian: Thank you Arwen. *Opens it* Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!

Arwen: I knew you needed new daggers! 

Vivian: You didn't had to! It's so shiny!

Arwen: *Giggles* I knew you'd like it.

Aragorn: *Gives a present to Frodo*

Frodo: You didn't had to! But thanks! *Opens it* It's a sword...

Aragorn: Jep! You like it!?

Frodo: You kidding!? I love it! Thank you!

Vivian: *Laughs* Wow... Never seen you this happy over a weapon... I tought you hated fighting?

Frodo: I do... I just like shiny weapons.

Vivian: *Laughs* Le wow!


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