Hobbit festival!!!

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There's a festival in the Shire! There's pie, beer, drinks, candy, delicious foods and much more! Everyone is there! Vivian and Frodo sitting on a picnic blanket together with Rosie, Sam, Merry and Pippin. Enya is sleeping and the grown ups have much fun!

Vivian: One thing about the Shire what I absolutly love is these Festivals it feels nice!

Frodo: I totally agree with you love.

Pippin: It would've been even more perfect if Lili Grace was here.

Merry: You miss her right?

Pippin: With every inch of my heart!

Vivian: Who's Lili Grace?

Sam: Pippins girlfriend. But she's visiting some old friends who don't live in the Shire.

Vivian: You'll be all right Pip.

Pippin: Thank you Vivian.

Frodo: Let's just not think of Lili and have some fun!

Sam: Great spirit mr. Frodo!

Vivian: Hey Merry! Where's Vili?

Merry: Erebor.

Vivian: Right...

Sam: Let's drink!

Rosie: To what?

Vivian: Our friendship!

Merry: To our friendship!

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