In love

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Vili and Merry are walking towards the Green Dragon.

Vili: Where are we going?

Merry: The Green Dragon. It's an inn.

Vili: Right...

Merry: I heard you like pranking people.

Vili: Jep! That's true, that's me!

Merry: Me too!!! I have better idea! What if we are going to prank someone?

Vili: That would be great! Who?

Merry: What about.... Bilbo! You can always prank him!!!

Vili: I don't know him... But we can try?

Merry: Bilbo is the uncle of Frodo he hates jokes. You're a dwarf right?

Vili: Yeah... What do you mean with that?

Merry: Can you ask some family members of you to come here?

Vili: Ofcourse! But why?

Merry: They're going to visit Bilbo and act just like years ago when they asked him to go on an adventure!

Vili: Great!

A few minutes later Vili arrives in the Shire with Thorin's company and Gandalf.

Thorin: So... We just have to knock and act like 60 years ago?

Merry: Exactly!

The company knocks on Bilbo's door. Bilbo opens the door and looks at the company of Thorin

Bilbo: Well hello...

Thorin: Thorin Oakenshield at your service. *Bows*

Bilbo: Thorin act normal please. You know me almost 60 years!

Thorin: So... You're going to be our burglar..

Bilbo: Thorin? What do you mean?

Thorin: You look more like a grocer to me.

Bilbo: Thorin!?

Suddenly the whole story of 60 years ago repeats himself again. Vili and Merry are trying not to laugh at the sight of the dwarves and the confusing Hobbit. Merry stops laughing and turns his face towards Vili.

Vili: Can I help you?

Merry: I wanted to tell you something Vili...

Vili: Well?

Merry: I fell in love with you when I met you yesterday...

Vili: Oh...

Merry: I understand if you don't feel the same...

Vili: No! Merry! I like you to...

Merry: Really!?

Vili: *Blushes* Yes...

Merry: That's amazing! *Kisses her*

Suddenly Vivian jumps from behind a rock.

Vivian: YES!!! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!

Frodo: Yeah.. You were right. *Gives her a chocolate bar*

Vivian: Thank you!

Vili: Wha?

Vivian: We had bet. He told me that he didn't believed that Merry was in love with you... And I said the opposite!

Merry: *Facepalm* You two are impossible!

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