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Name: Vili Durin.

Kin: Kili and Fili are her brothers, and Thorin is her uncle.

Physical appearance: Long reddish brown hair in a side braid. Grey eyes. Short because she's a dwarf.

Armor/clothes: Green long sleeved shirt, brown leather vest, leather brown breastplate, black boots.

Fighting skills: Loves fighting and is really good. Can use a bow, a sword and an axe.

History: Vili went on a journey to Erebor to help reclaim it. She came back and lived in Bree for a long time until she met Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. She ofcourse fell in love with Merry and went on the adventure with them.

Pet: A black horse named Jay.

Personality: Energetic, crazy, loves pranks and mischief.

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