Chapter 1

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Minutes to Midnight

Chapter 1

Dallas’ POV

Do you ever want to brutally murder something, because you were just having an amazing dream, about a sexy emo unicorn…mmm…I can still taste his candy flavoured thighs in my mouth…anyway, back to the point.

My alarm clock was rudely screaming Kick in the Teeth by Papa Roach at me, pulling me out of a deep slumber; is it fair that all I wanted to do was burn the god damn thing?

I think so, because whether it was or not, I reached over and slammed my fist down on it, listening as the blaring noise went away, leaving only the peaceful sound of silence; I went straight back to sleep.

My bedroom door burst open, but I didn’t bother to look up, because sleep was my main priority and I get what I want, whether other people like it or not.

“Come on sleepy bones; you can’t stay in bed for the last few days of summer! I’ll drag you out of that bed, I swear I will!” my perky best friend Isabella sang to me and I groaned, “you? Swear? Never!” I grumbled into my pillow, ignoring her noisily rummaging through my closet.

“If you mess anything up, so help me god, you better put it back where it was!” I cried, my throat hoarse and my head thumping from my night on the town with Izzy – her nickname – last night, “yeah, whatever D!” she called.

If you haven’t noticed, I have a major case of OCD and trust me, if something is out of its place, even a centimetre, I will notice it, and I will put it back where it belongs; everything I own has a specific place and it is not to be moved unless I am the one moving it, because I know where to put it when I’m putting it back.

Izzy on the other hand is an extremely messy person and leaves a mess wherever she goes, making me angry!


Anyway, hands clasped around my ankles and my hands flew up to the black poles of my four poster bed, gripping them with my short arms, and with a heave, Izzy tugged on my legs; I held onto the bed as hard as I could and she grunted.

It hurt, I admit that, but I still wanted to sleep and she knew too well that I get grumpy; she’s seen it before, and I know that she doesn’t like it, but then again, nobody does.

“Come on girly, get up before I get in there with you!” Nathan cheered, his annoyingly hyper voice raging through my head as I screamed into my pillow, knowing that we didn’t have neighbours that could possibly complain about the noise…or send the cops over saying that someone was being murdered.

I let go of the bed posts as Izzy let go of my ankles, sighing in defeat because I knew that Nathan would most certainly get into my bed with me, and he more than likely has shoes on; I will not tolerate shoes on my bed!

“Are you getting up, or am I getting in?!” Nathan sang and I rolled my eyes, my face buried deep in my pillow as I groaned and flipped myself around, sitting up slowly, as to not give myself a headache.

“I’m up! Now get the fuck out of my room before I bite your nose off and eat your ass with a spoon!” I screamed at him, my bed head all over the place as I glared at them both; I gave them both of my middle fingers, making sure they got the point that I was not a happy fucking bunny!

I have never really been a morning person, so as I watched them leave and took a quick glance at my alarm, I dropped back down onto my bed and flipped over again, now lying on my stomach at half past one.

If I had a dollar for every time those two have rudely woken me up lately, I would be a trillionaire by now, but then again, I already am!

Yeah, I’m stinking rich, but I don’t brag about it, because I hate my parents, with a vengeance, so I like to spend it; its fun and a nice way to tell them that I hate their god damn guts.

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