Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Tre’s POV

I sent my power flowing under the door and it came back with a Dallas-less room, so I sent it further, under the closet door. When she wasn’t in there, I pushed it just a little further, under the bathroom door and it sent me the image of an unconscious Dallas lying in a bloody bathtub, bright red gashes dripping blood hanging over the edge of the bathtub.

I pulled my spirit back and heaved it forward, smashing it through the locked doors. I ran through her room, weaving around the broken shards of wood lying around. I stumbled into the bathroom and my beautiful sister lay limp in a tub full of bright red water, the only thing covering her thin, frail body was a matching set of underwear.

I dipped my arms into the freezing cold water and pulled her blue body out, cradling her to my chest as I ran into her room. I quickly wrapped slipped her arms into her long black house coat and ran to her car, having her keys in my pocket.

I sat lay her across the backseat and rushed to the hospital, passing through red lights and shouting citizens. I screeched to a stop in front of the ER entrance and pulled her out, locking the car as I ran toward the doors.

Silent tears ran down my cheeks as I rushed her into the building, calling for any help that I could get. I need my sister more than I would ever admit out loud, and the thought of her not being here anymore made me want to die myself.

Although, she would haunt my ass if I did.

Doctors pulled her out of my hands and onto a stretcher… thing. I let them take her and a kind looking nurse led me over to a seat in the waiting room as I pulled at my hair and thumped my thighs with tight fists.

“What relation are you to the patient?” she asked me in a soft voice, I buried my face in my hands, clenching my jaw tightly. “She’s my sister” I mumbled to her.

“Ok, do you have your parents’ number so we can contact them?” she asked and I sighed, “there’s no point; they don’t care. They wouldn’t come anyway, but I have our grandparents’ numbers, they’ll come as soon as they can” I told her and she smiled politely at me, jogging over to the front desk, she picked up a clip-board, slid a sheet of paper into it and grabbed a pen.

She came back over to me and sat down next to me, placing a hand on my back; she held onto the clip-board and murmured soothing words into my ears. I leaned my elbows on my knees and sighed, with my face back in my hands.

“When you’re ready, could I get you to fill this out for me” she stated and I nodded, sighing, I took the board and she handed me the pen. I looked down at the sheet of paper clipped to the board.

I filled it out with all of Dallas’ information, putting our grandparents’ phone number in the boxes that said Mother and Father’s  phone number, glaring at nothing in particular as I handed it back to the nurse. She walked away quickly, giving the board to another, older nurse.

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