Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Dallas' POV

"So, you're sayin' that I have to say 'dude' in every sentence to sound like a guy? I have never met a guy, that isn't high, who said 'dude' in every god damn sentence!" I cried after Tre's third rant about how I was fucking everything up; I rolled my eyes at him and he scowled at me whilst folding his arms.

"I didn't say that though, did I? I said that when you're talking to a guy, and you think it's the right time, say dude or something along the lines of that so that you don't fall into awkwardness" he stubbornly replied and I sighed, "ok dude, chill out! I feel what you're saying so just shut it. Surely, after three and a half hours of this bullshit, I am ready to walk and talk like a real boy!" I smirked and he rolled his eyes at me. "Don't get smart with me bro, or I will whoop your ass" he joked and I sighed, a part of me was so tempted to hold my hip with my hand, but the other part of me told me that Tre would beat my ass if I do.

"So, what now?" I asked and Nate stood up from the sofa he sat on with Izzy, "how 'bout we leave and just go home; I'm tired of all this crap. You two can keep on doing this at home if you want but I'm leaving and I'm locking up after myself" he complained and I laughed; I slung my jacket on and picked up my bag.

"No more bags either; the guy’s will think you're a fag or something" Tre barked as he opened the front door; I rolled my eyes and followed Tre and Nate out of the apartment with Izzy's hand in mine.

"Anything else I'm not allowed to do?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes as Nate locked the door. He rushed past us on the stairs and ran the rest of the way down the stairwell, "Dallas, gimmy your car keys!" he shouted when he reached the bottom of the stairwell. I rolled my eyes but threw my keys down to him, because I wanted him to cheer up for once today. I don't think he wants me to come to this school at all; I think it's my birth givers that really want me to go to this strange, un-nameable place. It would make sense really; Tre hasn't been himself lately and I think my strange way of thinking just found out why.

Yay me!

I jumped off of the last step and skipped out of the building happily making my way over to my car. I got in the back seat with Izzy and let Nate sit in the front with his bestie.

"As much as I hate to say it... we have to go shopping to get you some manlier clothes" Tre smiled at me through the rear view mirror; he had obviously cooled down a little behind the wheel. Now I come to think about it, letting a furious and annoyed Tre drive my car could possibly have been a bit of a bad idea. Ah well, he's ok now! Although he could be high, because Tre is the king of excuses for getting out of shopping and he just suggested that we go. Confusing? Yes. Abnormal? Definition of Tre!

He drove us through busy streets and I sighed, all of this sex changing is tiring work and I'm hungry, "can you stop off at Mickey D's Tre? I'm starved" I asked and to prove my point, my stomach let out a thunderous growl. I sighed and rubbed my stomach, like a pregnant woman would with her baby bump.

"You're so melodramatic! If you were starved, I'd be worried... not like I ain't worried about your weight anyway; you are too thin and you eat too much! You're lazy and you still have an amazing body!" Tre groaned and I rolled my eyes, my hippo hips and fat ass say different. "I know you too well Dallas, and no, your ass is not fat like moms; it's, with lack of other words, sexy to the opposite sex. You have self esteem issues you know that right?" he kept on going and I rolled my eyes at him, again.

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