Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Dallas’ POV

I couldn't handle my suitcase on my own, but I wouldn't be telling Tre, Nate or Izzy, because I'm better at pretending to be ok than I am at asking for help; I prefer to do things for myself or at least try to do it for myself. It took me ten minutes to lug it from my room to the boot of Izzy’s car before we sped off towards Nathan’s house, where he was waiting at his front door, saying his goodbyes to his hugely gothic parents who loved their son who lived, breathed and slept all things jock-worthy.

After a couple of days worth of packing, my main five suitcases, which are all absolutely huge, were somewhere in the world, flying to the destination of my new school. I have to admit that I find the idea of a new school was daunting; I'm used to my daily schedule, I'm used to my teachers and the Queen Bitches and the heartless jocks that persist on finding new ways to torture me for the way that I am.

Now, going to this new school, I will have no idea of who to look out for or who to befriend; I'm going to be 'the new guy' and that's never nice to hear about yourself. I needed my 'me' time sometimes and I doubt I'll be getting much of it when I'm stuck in a school for guys.

There's a part of me that just wants to curl up in a dark corner and blast some heavy metal through my ears. It's one of those moments when a girl needs her mom, but that's an idea that I would never even bother to humour.

"So... make sure you call me as soon as you get on the plane and as soon as you land... then I want you to video call me when you're putting your stuff away in your closet... they do have closets at this place right?!" Izzy screeched at Tre and Nate as Nate put his duffel bag in the boot of Izzy's blue Land Rover. "Yeah; they're not as big as your current closet at home D, but you should be able to fit everything you sent over there into it" Tre told us, smiling a little as he got into the car; since I'm going to the school this year, Izzy's dropping us all off at the airport.

To say that I was beginning to get emotional as Izzy started the car and drove as slow as she could without the car stopping was an understatement. I think she's just slowing down the process of me leaving. I could already feel the sharp stinging in my eyes from the tears that threatened to fall.

It hurt me to know that we would be apart for so long; it also hurt to know that my choice to go to this school is hurting my best friend. I could barely contain the sobs that dared to crawl up my throat.

"So what're you gonna do after we depart?" Izzy questioned me before sniffling and wiping her nose on the back of her hand, shifting into second gear as she sped up a tiny bit. "I'm gonna call you when I get onto the plane, then I'm gonna call you when the plane lands, then I have to video call you when I'm putting my stuff away. Izzy I wont forget; this whole thing is killing me and I don't want to go, but Tre seemed desperate when he asked and you know that Tre only sounds desperate when he wants to get laid" I joked a little and she cracked a smile, letting a small tear run down her cheek.

"Hey! Don't start cryin' on me; I'll have to cry with you and you know that ain't a pretty sight!" I warned her and she smiled at me genuinely for a second, turning her head slightly to look at me. I smiled and scratched at the white gauze under my long sleeved black shirt, hating the horrible feeling of cuts healing. It’s itchy and annoying.

“Are you two going to just act like this the whole way to the airport?” Tre sighed and I rolled my eyes, giving him the finger, “yes; we’re hormonal teenage girls and I’m going to be spending my first birthday without Izzy since I met her, so shut up or get a new ride to the airport” I spat back at him.

Tre could be the moodiest little shit he wanted to be right now and he still wouldn’t ruin my last few minutes with the sister I always wanted. Too soon, both of our eyes were blurred by thick, heavy tears and Izzy was pulling her dad’s car up in front of the airport doors.

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