Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Dallas’ POV

My head beat furiously as I dragged my eyelids open from a less than blood curdling dream. It was one I had been having a lot lately and it always managed to wake me up, scared and crying.

The heart monitors I was hooked up to went wild and I rubbed my temples, shoving the dream to the back of my mind where it couldn’t bother my day.

A doctor and two nurses rushed into the room and I frowned at them, shooting glares at the loud beeping monitors surrounding me. I only just woke up and I want to leave already, that says a lot about the hospital, right?

I tried to sit up, but the nurses pushed me down gently and the doctor rushed around, trying to find out what set the monitors off, “it was a dream” I told them and they frowned at me, “I had a nightmare; my heart’s going two to the dozen. I’m fine though.”

“Well, your vitals are fine, so we just need to run a few tests. We need to talk to you though, I can get the nurses to leave if you would feel more comfortable telling me why you did this… then you’re free to go,” the doctor told me and I sighed, knowing that this was coming. I didn’t want to go back to the asylum, which was for sure.

“Listen, I’ll say to the whole world if I have to; I did this because I was angry and upset and I just needed a release. I’m fine, really, I just wanna get out of here” I told them and they shared wary glances. The doctor nodded at the nurses and they left the room of sleeping or occupied patients.

“Listen doc, I haven’t done this in a really long time, and I really don’t plan on doing it again. I’ll give you a million dollars if you promise you wont put me in a loony bin” I bribed him and his jaw clenched. I could see his eyes contemplating taking me up on my offer. If he’d just let me go home and get my purse, I could give him his money and we’d be done with it.

“But, Miss Carter, it’s not that easy; everything has to be put through the medical records” he protested and I rolled my eyes, “write down on my report that it was an attack, not a suicide attempt. I wasn’t trying to kill myself anyway; I love my life, I love myself and I love a shit load of other things. This meant nothing about my sanity, I was angry as some things and that’s how I got through it, now do you want the money or not?” I asked him and he frowned, sighing.

“… I’ll take the tests and you can go. You were attacked by an animal with very sharp claws… I can’t believe I’m doing this… here’s my number, I want my money  as soon as you get out of those hospital doors. Leave it under the black Jaguar; you’ll know it’s mine, it’s in my personal spot under Doctor Norton” he told me in a hushed voice. I know my life givers wouldn’t mind me taking the money out of their account if it meant I wouldn’t have to go back to the asylum.

Their social status would be ruined if I had to go to the mental home more than once, and I’d probably get disowned if I caused any more turmoil for them.

“Sure, whatever, just get the tests done, tell my family that I’m just fine and dandy and let me get out of here so I can get your money and be out of your life forever” I rambled on. He sighed and picked up the chart thing from the bottom of my bed.

“I’ll be back in a minute” he mumbled and left the room. I rolled my eyes and looked to my right a boy a couple of years younger than me sat tapping his fingers on an intense game of Mario Bros.

“You can stop staring you know, I heard everything” he mumbled to me and I smirked, looking at the empty bed to my left, glad that only one person heard my conversation with Doctor Norton.

“What can I do to keep you from sayin’ anything kid?” I growled and he paused his game, a sly smirk falling onto his face, “well… there is one thing you could do for a poor kid like me…” he trailed off. I bit my lip; my mind had two things in thought, he either wants money or something a little… PG13…

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