At first sight

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Yeri's POV

Life is amazing, life is short, life is for the living. I've always believed in these phrases. That's why I make music in a club, why I photograph things I see. I've always been fascinated by people and how they interact. My job consists of doing what I love most. My name is Yeri and I'm 25 years old. I work at a club in Seoul, South Korea and I'm a professional photographer. Most of the time I photograph big stars, I'm not really a fan of pop culture, so it doesn't matter to me at all.

Spinning at night in the club makes me feel more alive than anything in this world. I want to keep doing this for the rest of my life, for however long that still is. The club is alive, everyone is dancing and drinking like their lives depend on it. The world around me is evolving and ever changing. When my hand hits the keys the people below me go crazy. They even scream. My chest tightens and my heart rate goes up. This is way better than any love I've ever experienced. My hand goes up into the air and motions for the people to get low until the beat drops. Everyone does what I ask of them. I wait to drop the beat. When the beat finally drops they jump up and I see drinks fly everywhere. It's late already, people are drunk. I am drunk on music and life.

After my set I have to calm down. I go down to the bar, order a drink and look at the next DJ coming in. Tonight there is an event for a famous guy. I didn't even read the memo. Someone is releasing their new album here. Somewhere in the back I hear a name being called while someone gets up from the bar. My eyes follow this person until they reach the stands. Something in this guy fascinates me. The way he moves is like art, just the way he walks makes me want to capture it on camera. I have to hold back.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Here is Jay Park with Worldwide!" The MC yells into the mic.

That name sounds familiar. I've used some of his songs in my remixes, I even spun one half an hour ago. The only thing I know about this guy is that he has one hell of a voice. His style is different from most Korean idols these days. He keeps on fascinating me as he takes the stage and turns up the crowd. It runs in his veins, I can see it as I catch a glimpse of his eyes. They have a spark in them I haven't seen in a very long time. The drink goes down well and I go backstage. Looking at that guy makes me want to make a remix. But the first thing I do is grab my camera and head back out. The club has a special spot reserved for just me to take pictures. I go to the front and aim my lens at him. Sneaking pictures is what I do best. No one sees me or notices me, but somehow he does.

His eyes go straight to my lens as he smiles into it. After that he keeps on giving me good angles and keeps on giving me good looks too. I can see how passionate he is when he sings and raps. Even his dancing is amazing. The stage is too small for him to properly dance. But he keeps on trying his best.

After a while I return backstage and put down my camera. I have to go into the crowd and feel how the music hits. He has someone with him, another rapper to complete him. The second I get into the crowd he starts one of the songs I actually know. 'Mommae' comes on and the crowd goes ballistic. I join and throw my hands up. My body sways to the music as I feel it through my whole body. Dance moves start to even come out. The liquor flowing through my body is taking effect. And at some point I even look up. His eyes are on me, staring at me with a smile while he continues. I look back into his eyes, they have me mesmerized, I can't look away. My head is spinning in circles as I start walking backstage again.

Once I am backstage I pack my bag to go home. I shouldn't go too far with the drinking, it leads to all kinds of things I don't want to happen. It always does. My camera is stuffed inside my bad as I walk out the back door. There some people are waiting. It seems like they're pretty important. None of them look up as I pass them by. Why would they even? Jay Park was probably not even looking at me but at the person behind me. The things I tell myself.

I keep walking forward and reach the street. I hear the door behind me open up and look behind me once again as a cab stops in front of me. A wild eyed guy stands in the doorway. He seems to be looking for someone. Our eyes meet and he smiles. The kind of smile that makes your heart stop and your knees cave in. His teeth are bare now as he lets the door fall shut behind him. The guys outside notice him and stop him from walking over.

"Jay! Man, what a show!" One of them says as he pats Jay on the back.

Jay's eyes leave mine for a split second and I decide to get into the cab. The hour is late. And having someone like Jay Park looking for you is never okay. Those people only bring along trouble. Let's just say that I have enough of that already, on my own. The last thing I need is for someone to give me more of that. My heart kind of aches as the door closes. The last thing I see as I drive away are his eyes looking for mine and the disappointed look on his face when he can't find them.

Jay's POV

Another night, another club where I have to perform. Don't misunderstand me, I love performing for my fans, but it's become a little dull now. All the clubs blend together these days. Nothing is different. It is dark and the music is loud. When I step inside, the music hits me. There's something very different about this music. I look up at the stand and see a girl standing. She seems to be enjoying herself while spinning. Like she feels the music through all of her body, her veins. The music flows out of her. It's an extension of who she is. My heart starts beating while I look at the girl in the stands. I hope I see her again tonight.

My time has come and the girl leaves the stage to make way for me. The presenter says my name and the album title. A smile comes to my face, naturally. I put my hands up and get them all going.

"How is it going tonight?" I ask them before the first song starts.

The fans scream it out after asking that question. This is what I live for. My music makes me happy. Moves start coming out as I start singing too. I haven't brought any of the usual people, just me and Ugly Duck tonight. I haven't done that in a while.

Suddenly a flash goes off. My head turns to the side as I see a camera. Behind it is the same girl from earlier. She's a photographer too? I decide to look into her camera a few times, giving her good shots. After a while she lowers her camera. I am not looking at her anymore, but she catches my eye from the side. She's gone. Something in me says she will be back. But it takes a while before I spot her again. She's somewhere in the middle dancing to 'Mommae'. Her body seems to be one with the music, just the way I like it. She doesn't seem to notice anyone around her. All she does is feel the music. My body wants to join hers in doing so, but I am still stuck on this stage.

She opens her eyes again and I look into them. Their hazel color holding me captive as I sing. Her mouth opens a little while we look into each other's eyes. She licks her lips and my heart stops. My song finishes and she walks away again. What is it with her and walking away from me? The performance is over and I follow the direction she went in. My heart beats faster with every step I take.

"Excuse me, have you seen the girl who was spinning tonight?" I ask one of the crew members.

He nods and points me into the direction of the backstage exit. It falls shut just before I can get to it. Was it her? I open the door and look around for the girl. There are a few guys I know out here, but she is not here. That's until I look a little further. She turns around and our eyes meet for the second time. I smile at her, knowing what kind of thing it does with the ladies. Her face lights up as she sees me. Her mouth falls open again, as if she wants to say something. My body starts walking towards her without me even noticing.

But one of the guys stops me while walking. Telling me my performance was off the hook. Reluctantly I tear my eyes away from hers. I say thank you to the guys and want to go over to her again. But she is gone. There's just a car there. Had it been there before? My smile turns into a frown. Did she just run off on me again?

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