chapter 32 part 1

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Sorry I know this chapter is probably going to be a little crappy and I'm so sorry. Hope you enjoy it. Also this chapter won't be in Nessa's point of view anymore.

Rayn's P.O.V.:

I remained motionless as I watched my sister slowly die. Tears streamed down my face. I could barely comprehend what had just happened. I didn't know what to do. As I sobbed, loudly, I could only watch Will finally shove the sword through Demon Blaze's back and out the front of his body, through the chest. I watched as Will took a step back as Demon Blaze fell straight to the ground.

I cried uncontrollably, knowing that I may just lose Blaze, also. A blinding light caught my attention. I could barely see through all the tears as Will was lifted a few inches off the ground. A small ball of light came out of Will's mouth and his feet touched back down on the ground. The ball of light moved over to Blaze's motionless body. The ball faded and then, changed into Ryan.

Ryan reached out, touching the tip of the handle on the sword. Within seconds, it disappeared. Will stumbled over to me and helped me, well, more like pulled me to my feet. It felt as if my legs didn't want to listen to my commands. They felt like jello. I was numb all over.

He drug me to Nessa's body. As we passed by Ryan's ghostly small figure, he turned to us.

"I'm sorry that I can not save your sister, but I can save Blaze." He said, reaching down to touch him.

I tried to speak, but nothing came out. More tears came flooding down my fave. I kneeled next to my sister as Will stepped away and back over to Ryan.

"What do you mean you can't save her? You have to. You promised me that no one was going to get hurt!" Will fumed.

"I'm sorry. She's to far gone. Her body has already given up and her soul has left her body. I'm truly sorry. Now, please, step back, so I can remove this demon from your friend's body and send it back to hell where he belongs." Ryan answered, stretching his hand out towards Will as if to push him back.

I was to scared to touch her body. I feared that what Ryan said was true, but I knew I had to see for myself. So, I reached out and touched her hand. The coldness of her hand was the coldest thing I've ever touched. I didn't think I could cry any harder, but believe it or not, I did. I tried to shake her, hoping that this was all just a sick joke, but deep down, I knew it wasn't and that it was to late. She was already gone. I still didn't have any idea on what to do, so, I did the only thing I could think of. I laid down next to her and continued to cry.

I could hear some sort of commotion going on, but I tuned everything out.

Will's P.O.V.:

I could tell that Rayn was torn apart about her sister. I would giver some space. Right now, I wanted to watch Ryan get rid of the demon that has brought choas into our lives.

Ryan grabbed for Blaze's throat, but his hand went straight through. The next thing I see is Ryan pulling the demon out of Blaze's body. The demon was nothing like he was before. Its body was so transparent that you could barely see it. With the wave of his hand, the demon screeched as the ground shook vigorously. A loud crack echoed through the land as a cloud of dust shot up from a hole that had formed under the demon's body. He released the demon, holding his hand out towards it, as if it to push it into the hole.

The demon fought against him, shrieking, but his struggling came to an end when gave one final push of his hands, sending the demon straight back to hell. With the flick of his hand, the hole sealed up.

He slowly turned to Blaze, whom was laying on his back, and walked over to him. Blaze was breathing, but barely. He kneeled, touching his chest and all the blood began to seep away as if it was never there. Blaze's body began to glow and the gash in his chest healed.

Blaze jerked his body straight up, gasping for air and grabbing at his chest. "What the hell?"

"I have healed you. Now, we must go." Ryan said, standing up and backing away.

"We?" I asked.

Who the hell is he talking about? We?

"Yes." He gestured in Rayn's direction.

I'm sorry for taking so long on the update. I've had a busy schedule since last month. I haven't really had the time to write much since my brother in law was in a accident about 2 weeks ago and he's been in the hospital since. I just so happened to have a little bit of free time and I knew I needed to update big time. I apologize for the long wait and I hope you enjoy.

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