chapter 31

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Sorry guys, I would have had an update for y'all sooner, but once I had most of the chapter typed up and saved it, my phone decided it wanted to be a Friggin retard and delete it all except for one sentence at the beginning of the chapter.
So I had to retype the whole thing, which had my undies in a bunch. And now here it is.

Please don't be mad at me about this chapter. For one of what happens in it and two, its a bit crappy, but I did try to work out the details as best as I could. It actually took me awhile to come up with this, but hey, I tried and that's all that counts.

I knew that my eyes were so bucked out of their sockets, I thought they would fall out and roll across the ground at any moment. My mouth gapped open so wide, my jaw hit the ground. I began to back up as Demon Blaze stepped towards me slowly. Rayn backed away from me, looking from Demon Blaze, then back to me. I looked to her for any sign that she would help me, but she mouthed 'I'm sorry', and continued to back away from me.

Some sister she was. I guess I'm going at this alone, once again. I could hear Angel Will trying to get Demon Blaze's attention, but it wasn't working. The demon never took his eyes off of me . he really must be dead set on killing me because he had a gleam in his eye that itself could kill me. I didn't think I'd back into anything, but when I felt the cold metal of my car bump against my legs and y butt, I knew that this was more than likely the end for me.

The demon smirked as he approached me slowly. Angel Will was still yelling for the demon's attention. My eyes snapped to the dagger in the demon's hand as he drew it back.

Well, shit, this is going to hurt like hell. I thought to myself.

For a moment, I thought about closing my eyes, but you know what? Screw this, I wasn't going to let that demon know that I was scared to die. Hell, the only reason I didn't run like hell was because maybe I could distract him and keep his attention on me long enough for Will to kill him.

No, he wasn't going to taunt me about being scared if I die instantly. My eyes shot to Will as he approached the demon from behind. He placed his hand on the demon's shoulder and I caught a glimpse of a shiny object in Will's hand.

What the hell, is that a sword? Where the hell are they getting all of these weapons from, all of a sudden? More importantly, why the hell didn't I get to get one?

Demon Blaze cut his eyes to the side, never turning his head, and let out an evil chuckle. At that moment, I knew. I knew that this wasn't going to turn out good for me. Somehow, I knew exactly what the demon was going to do. And he did just as I thought he was going to do.

He whipped around so fast that I barely caught sight of his blurry figure. As he grabbed Angel Will by the throat, I whispered. "I'm sorry."

The demon slung him across the yard, just as Angel Will had done when they first started fighting. I watched Will's body slam into the ground, the sword detached from his hand and landed a few feet away from him. I was so worried about Will, that the excruciating pain in my stomach almost scared me out of my skin.

"I told you that I would get you." Demon Blaze sneered, as he turned the dagger sideways and pushed it further into my stomach.

I stared into his eyes as my hand shot down to my stomach, gripping the daggers handle. "I'll s-s-see you in h-h-hell." I stuttered as I felt blood starting to ooze from my mouth.

I fell to my knees as Demon Blaze took a step away from me and began to laugh. The ground seem to be far away as I collapsed on my side, still gripping the dagger, which now, was covered in blood along with my hands.

I could hear Rayn screaming, but it was very faint. I could feel my body going cold. My vision blurred. I wasn't sure if it was because of the tears that, now, started to form in my eyes or the fact that I was dying slowly.

It hurt so much, but what seem to hurt the most was my heart. Seeing Rayn screaming and crying hysterically on her knees broke my heart. It hurt worse than the wound I had now. She wouldn't be completely left alone. After all this was over, she would have Will and, hopefully, Blaze.

I felt my heart starting to slow down and my breathing became slower. I knew I didn't have much time left. I could die at any moment and not even get to say goodbye to anyone.

"I see that you refuse to die! I must say, you are a hard one to kill since you're barely clinging to your miserable pathetic life. Dear, Nessa, don't worry. I shall put a stop to your suffering." Demon Blaze said coldly as he began taking steps towards me.

This was it. I wasn't going to get the chance to say goodbye. He was either going to finish me off or I would die before he had the chance. Of course, I was hoping for the last one.

He held out his arm, spreading his fingers apart. As he brought his arm towards me, in a swiping motion, it suddenly came to a halt. From what I could see, the demon's eyes became bigger than golf balls and his mouth gapped open. I could feel my eyes slowly shutting. My breathing was slower than before, to the point to where I fount it hard to breath. All the energy seem to rush out of me at once. The last thing I saw before my eyes finally shut for the last time, before the darkness, was a sword, dripping with blood, sticking straight out of Demon Blaze's chest.

I used what was left of my energy to smile and everything went dark and cold as I took my final last breath.

Sorry, I had to do it. I finally had time to retype everything up again. Let me know what you think of this chapter. I'm also thinking about doing a sequel as I do have ideas for it running through my head... Thanks all my readers. Please vote and comment.. Love you guys!!!!

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