chapter 27 part 2

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My eyes went wide as it let out another painful roar. I looked at the demon's face and then to its hand. I swear, if my eyes grow any wider, they're going to fall out of their sockets. I could see a light puff of what looked like smoke, come off of the demons hand, where he had slapped Will.

My eyes shot around the room when I heard a creepy maniac laugh. My eyes darted to the sound and it was Will, and that my friends, was the person who was laughing that crazy laugh. I didn't know whether to become scared or happy for it. Will was staring at the demon as he continued his laughter. When the demon noticed, he let out a deep growl and stomped one of his hooved feet against the floor, sending a cracking sound throughout the room. Will still continued to laugh.

The demon gave a sly smirk as it turned towards Rayn and clomped its way in her direction. About halfway there, it stopped, raised its arms towards the ceiling, and flung them towards the floor. At that exact moment, a gush of wind whirled around the room, blowing all of the candles out. (Sorry my lovely readers, I completely forgot about the candles that were lit from them playing the board earlier, but keep in mind they were still lit, though.).

Oh, freaking great, now, I can't see shit. I'm not trying to sound like a big scaridy cat, but I absolutely hate the dark. Well, not exactly the dark, just the things that live in the dark. I panicked big time. Literally, one time, we had a bad storm and it knocked the power out. At the time, I was using the bathroom when they went off. Needless to say, I went flying out of the bathroom, with my pants and bloomers down, everything shining as I pissed while running. I headed straight for Rayn, but don't worry, by the time I got to her, I had my pants and everything pulled up. Once we fount a light and some candles, I took a quick shower and put on clean clothes. Embarrassing I tell you.

Right before the demon got to her, Will's laugh came to a halt. I could tell that the demon turned his head towards Will, due to his firey red eyes, and let out a evil chuckle. At that moment, we all heard her let out a scream.

I was completely blind, but by the sound of shuffling and struggling, I knew Rayn was trying to get away. I remained frozen. I couldn't move due to so much fear in me. I was petrified. I had no idea what this thing was doing to her.

"Rayn? Are you okay?". I yelled as I began to panic even more.

"I-I-I think so. It scratched me, again, and now, it feels like my leg is on fire!". She grunted , hitting the floor.

"Can you tell where it went too?". I asked.

"No, I'm sorry for not listening to you!" She began to cry.

"Hey! No, Rayn! Don't do that! It's feeding off of that! It's already been feeding off of your fear and making it stronger!". Will yelled.

"Hey, you watch your tone!" I screamed at Will.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you! Listen, I just need you guys to remain calm. Don't give this thing the satisfaction by being scared!" Will responded.

"You're telling the wrong one that, brother man, because I have streaks of shit in my undies, right now!" I answered, sarcastically.

Rayn chuckled. "Mine are soaked in piss!"

"Blaze?" Will called.

Nothing. Silence. He didn't respond. Oh, please, let him be okay.

I mustered up as much courage as I could, stuck my arms out, and slowly started taking steps in the direction I thought he was in. After a few more steps, a dim red light started to glow from an unknown source. I squinted my eyes and did my best to focus in on the light.

Every hair on my body stood up, goosebumps eased their way back across my skin everywhere, and I swear to you guys that I wasn't trying to do this, but it slipped. I let out a wet fart and followed behind it was a foul smelling thick sticky runny liquid called shit as I finally saw where the red light was coming from and the scene I saw before me.

The light showed just enough for me to see that Blaze was levitating three feet above the couch, with his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his mouth wide open. The demon had one hand underneath Blaze's back and the other hovering just above his stomach, slowly approaching his chest. The red light was illuminating from the demon's claw that was making its way up Blaze's body.

As it approached his neck, I teared up as the demon leaned forward, opening it's mouth, revealing the long pointed tongue as it slithered over his cheeks, and then retreated back into it's mouth.

I opened my mouth to yell for Blaze, but nothing came out. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there, staring, helplessly.

"No, you don't!" Will yelled as he launched himself towards the demon and Blaze, with the demon's mouth only a few inches away from Blaze's mouth and approaching closer by the second.

Sorry for such a short chapter and another cliff hanger. Any ideas on what's going to happen to Blaze? Please comment and vote. Thanks.

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