chapter 21

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Sorry guys.. I havent had the time to update lately... Things have been crazy around here.. And with school being back in session its been kind of hard to update since i have two children in school... And plus I've also had a writers block... So now here's an update.

Well, well, well. Look at what we're doing. Going back to Will's house. I didn't want to go. They knew that, but Rayn and Blaze insisted on going back to find out what the hell was going on. I on the other hand wanted to stay home and watch Mountain Monsters. Will didn't care, because he didn't believe in the ouija board, let alone the paranormal. Once again, i wanted nothing to do with it. I told them that I would go back, but I wasn't laying a finger on that damn board and I meant it this time.

The storm was making it hard to see as I turned down their road. The wind was blowing hard, making the tree tops rock back and forth. Lightning strikes shot across the sky like crazy, giving the area we were in, one hell of a scary look... Scarier than during the day and night without a storm. Dark gray clouds floated across the sky, letting out a heavy rain pour. Leaves and small limbs littered the road. Luckily, there weren't any big limbs down, blocking my path. We sat in silence until we pulled into the driveway.

I shut my car off and we all piled out. I let Will and Blaze go first into their house. Rayn and I followed in behind them. It was completely eerie dark inside. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. As my eyes began to adjust to the darkness, someone flipped on the lights and screwed up my vision for a few seconds. The memory of the planchette flying across the run came rushing back to me. Immediately, i looked to the place i thought it hit, but it wasn't no where to be found. Maybe that's not where it landed. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk slowly into the living room.

"Hey guys! Come check this out!" Blaze shouted.

We all came barreling into the entrance of the kitchen. My breath hitched as I stared down at the floor.. There on the floor was the board and planchette. It was almost like we had left it there, but I know it wasn't. It had flown into the wall before we all went screaming and running out of the house like a bunch a sissified wimps. I gulped and started backing away. Yeah, like hell I was going to stand there for that.

"How's it get there?" Rayn asked as she began to back up as well.

"The hell if I know and I don't want to know." I answered honestly as I spun around on the ball of my heels and headed for the door.

"Wait, wait! Guys! Where are you going? Aren't we supposed to be playing this thing to find out what the hell is going on?" Blaze asked.

"No! You guys are supposed to be playing it, not me! This time, I'm having nothing to do with it!" I stated.

"It may not work if all of us doesn't join in. Have you thought about that?" Blaze questioned as he turned around to look at me.

"Have you thought about the fact that I don't care? I'm not touching it!" I replied sharply.

"Oh come on, Nessa! Don't be a big ass scaridy cat." Blaze shot back.

"After all the things I went through in one nightbjust by playing it, NO! I'd rather be a live chicken than a dead duck. Sorry. You guys can be the dead ducks. I'll proudly stick with being the live chicken." I smiled while walking over to the couch and sat down.

"Yeah, whatever! You're the one being scared, now!" Will said sarcastically.

"Kiss my deep country fried chocolate covered chicken nuggets. So, say what you want." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"No, you were bagging on me about being scared," he said, coming over and standing in front of me. "Now, you're the one being scared as hell. So, the next time you talk about me being scared, I want you to think about this moment right here."

"I swear, if you don't get away from me, I will kick you in the nuts. There's a difference between me being scared of doing something and you being scared of believing that there's ghosts or what not doing this. So, kiss my ass!" I yelled, balling my fists up and closing my eyes.

"Dudes! Let's not fight. Lets just do this. Nessa, you can just write down the questions we ask and the answers we get down." Blaze picked up the board and brought it to the living room..

"What ever, dude." I said through gritted teeth.

I took slow and deep breaths, trying to calm myself while Blaze went and retrieved a pen and paper somewhere. Minutes later, I felt something hit my lap and my eyes snapped open. I glanced down and saw a notebook and a pencil on my legs.

I looked up at Blaze. "Did you just throw a notebook at me?"

"No, I just threw a notebook and a pencil in your lap." Blaze corrected.

"Shut up, smart ass and let's go ahead and get this started." I grumbled.

Will and Rayn sat down on the floor, next to the board. Blaze gathered candles and a lighter and then, turned the lights off. After sitting down, he handed me a candle and lit the rest, handing them to Will and Rayn. I watched as they stuck the lit candles between their crossed legs. Blaze handed me the lighter and I sat the candle down pn the table beside the couch and lit it. I took in a deep raggid breath, picked up the pencil, opened the notebook, and waited fot them to begin with the questions.

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