chapter 24

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I wasn't about to ask him what the hell the board said. Instead, Rayn asked the question I didn't want to know the answer to. "Blaze, what did it say?"

"Um... I'm not sure you guys want to know the answer to that question." Blaze looked up at her nervously and then ran his hand over his hair.

"What do you mean? We need to know!" She raised her voice.

"I don't know how to put this, but I will say it as the board spelled it out. It said 'Demon Ryan for Nessa'." He whispered so low I couldn't hear him.

"Speak up!"

"I said 'DemonRyanforNessa'." He spoke loud and fast.

"Oh, hell, no! Demon Ryan my ass! Screw this, whatever it or he is, its not catching me. I'm leaving!" I yelled standing up.

"Wait! Don't you think we ought to ask why its coming after you?" Blaze questioned.

"I don't care what or why is coming for me. All I know is, I want to get the hell out of here and not come back! Its not going to be catching me anytime soon!". I shot back, walking to the door.

Oh, how wrong I was when I reached for the knob and pulled. The damn thing wouldn't budge. I growled, balled my fists up, and banged them against the door as hard as I could. "Let me the fudge out!". I screamed.

"It's not locked.". Will said, walking towards me.

"No! Don't! I got this! I don't need your help!" I said, holding one of my hands out to him.

"Fine! Whatever, I was just trying to help.". Will threw both of his hands up and took a few steps back.

I grabbed the door knob again, turned it, and yanked on it, making the door rattle. I gritted my teeth. "Can somebody check the back door?"

"Yeah, sure." Blaze mumbled.

Just as I yanked on the door one final time, I felt it grow hot. Before I could remove my hand, the damn thing burned my hand.

"Aw, ssssshhhhiiiittttt! That hurts! Oh, son of a beach." I yanked my hand away, craddled it with the other, and hit the floor.

"Holy shit! Its glowing bright red!" Rayn shouted, running to my side.

"How?" Will asked.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask it and find out." I shouted angrily.

"Look, I'm sorry you hurt your hand, but I'm just trying to figure out how all of this is possible!" He shot back.

"Well, stop thinking, because you know what's going on here. And besides its your house!" I screamed feeling the pain growing worse.

"You're the one that wanted to play the damn board. You set something off in my house, if that's even possible!" He accused.

"Hell, no! I didn't want to play shit! Blaze and Rayn wanted to play and you being the ass you are, you tagged along, deciding to play it as well. So, don't put the damn blame all on me. Its not like I WENT and bought the damn thing and said 'hey guys, let's play this'." I spat with venom in my voice as I turned my eyes, accusingly, at Blaze.

"Um... I'm just going to check the back door.". Blaze said quietly as he walked away.

"Might as well had." Will responded, with much anger and hate in his voice.

"Guys, stop.". Rayn whined.

"Screw you, Will. Say what you want, but this wasn't all my fault!" I yelled, biting my lip to get rid of the pain from my hand.

"Dudes! You won't believe this, but the back door knob is glowing red, too!" Blaze panted as he sprinted back into the room.

"Well, check the windows. I want to get out of here!". I slammed my other hand down on the floor beside me, causing Ryan to flinch away.

I watched as she stood up and made their way over to every window. They tried with all of their strength, but none of them open. Oh, the luck I'm having its just peachy. Friggin peachy! We're stuck off in this creepy sucky ass screwed up house. I bit into my lip again, then opened my mouth, and screamed out in frustration.

I saw them look at me like I had lost my damn marbles, but I didn't care. I was trapped in this house that didn't belong to me. I had a damn demon or a boy, whatever, after me. My hand was hurt, really bad. All I wanted to do was go home and get some ice for my scalded palm.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and opened my eyes. I was just about to try and think of a way to get the hell out of here, but something blonde caught my attention out the corner of my eye, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

It was the little boy. Ryan. He was standing there, staring at me. It was like he was looking into my soul. Suddenly, I felt a strong feeling of mixed emotions. Anger. Hate. Resentment. And the most important one. Pure evil. He knew what I was feeling because he gave me that same smile as before when I first saw him.

I felt as if my hand was on fire and I let out a scream, flinging my hand in every direction. As Rayn, Blaze, and Will rushed over to me, asking what happened, Ryan vanished.

We all stopped breathing as we heard what sounded like hooves of a goat or horse stomping slowly down the steps. Right then, is when I realized, we were about to be in a world of trouble, in a world of shit. I knew something bad, even terrible, about to happen. Little did I know, we were about to get more than we could ever imagine and more than we had bargained for. Things were about to get grusome and ugly.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. If I made any errors I'm sorry. I've been very tired all day long. I had a very busy day and I just wanted to do a quick up date for my wonderful readers. Votes and comments are appreciated. Thanks

Ouija DemonWhere stories live. Discover now