chapter 4: Creepy

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Pic above is something like Blaze's and Will's house

They continued to stare at me. I cleared my throat and focused back on the road. Oh, well, it was a good try, right? I mean, I'm just trying to start a decent conversation with them. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Will." I heard.

"Will what?" i asked confused as i had already forgotten what i had asked.

"My name is Will. You already know Blaze." 'Giggles' aka Will responded.

"Oh. Ok. Cool. This is Rayn and I'm Nessa. So, Will, not sound rude or anything, but are we getting close? It feels like I've been driving for hours?" I asked.

"Yeah, this is the road, right here." he answered, pointing to a dirt road on the left up ahead.

I turned on my blinker and turned down the road. Wait, hold the pickles and bananas. This road is just straight up creepy. It was complete darkness and the it was still daylight and the sun was still shining. The trees hung across the road, blocking out any hopes of sunlight coming through. The dirt banks were so high and dark you couldnt see where the bottom of the trees were, which didn't help. It just made it even worse. The branches on the trees looked like something out a cartoon, where the trees in an enchanted forest come to life and the branches turning into arms. It sent a shiver up my spine. Goosebumps formed on my arms and my hairs stood on end.

I came to a complete stop right where the light meets the darkness. I spun around with angry look upon my face. "What is this? Some sort of sick joke? Tell me you guys don't live off down this road?"

"What do you mean?" Blaze asked.

"This road is way to creepy. There is no way." i pointed, feeling the fear rise in me.

"This is the road we live on." Will responded.

"We? You mean as in neighbors, right?" i asked still looking at them.

"No, as in we live together. We live under the same roof."

"Wait, you guys are like.... Um.... You know?" my eyes grew wide.

"Nessa! You shouldn't ask that kind of question. Thats none of your business, but are you? Please tell me your not." Rayn gasped.

"What? No! Absolutely not." Blaze answered knowing exactly what we were asking.

"Okay, but, I swear, if you guys try anything, I'm going to shoot you in your foot." i warned, turning on my headlights as I began to creep down the dark road.

"No, we promise. This is the road we live on." Will replied.

"I have a question," Blaze asked, leaning up to my seat and peering around it at me. "Why does your sister call you by that name when it's so close to the Loch Ness Monsters nickname?"

Rayn slapped her hand over her mouth fighting a laugh from erupting. I sent daggers at him as he was smiling real big. He was smiling so hard to the point his eyes were squinted up to where his eye color wasn't visible, his nostril flared widely, the corner of his lips appeared all the way up to under his eyes, and his egg yoke yellow teeth were showing.

"I am not nicknames after the Loch Ness Monster. Don't ever say that again. Rayn here gave me the nickname when she first learned to talk, still in diapers actually, i might add. She couldnt say my whole name, so, she called me 'Nessa'. My real name is Shawnessa." i said through gritted teeth.

"Nicely done, Re-Re." Blaze held his hand up to Rayn for a high five.

She just stared at his hand for a moment before her eyes turned to him, giving him a 'wtf' look. "I'm not a retard. You just made yourself look like one by holding your hand up thinking i was going to give you a high five." she turned back around and looked out her window.

I laughed. "Since you want to bag on someone about their nicknames, want to know the one i had for you?"

"Shoot." he responded leaning back.

"Husky." i answered.

"What? What kind of nickname is that? Thats not fair." Blaze whined.

Will bursted out laughing. "Dude she got you again."

"Yours was Giggles." i shot at Will.

"What? Thats sounds like the name for one of the Teletubbies." Will's eyes went wide.

"Whats wrong with you," Rayn spun back around in her seat to look at Will. "You don't know what your missing. The Teletubbies are the boss."

Blaze exploded with laughter. "No, no. Please, tell me you don't watch that. No, no, no, thats not cool at all." he was laughing so hard he had tears coming down his face.

"Don't mind him. He hasn't room to talk nor laugh. He watches Barney The Dinosaur every night before he goes to sleep." Will cracked.

"Yo, Will, thats was so not cool, man," he shouted. " you were supposed to tell anybody that." he whispered the last part as he looked at Rayn.

"Oh my God. You keep looking, big boy. Not happening. I swear, if I didn't know any better you guys are nothing but little kids." i chuckled.

"It slipped." Will shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm going to let my pimp hand 'slip' if you keep telling girls my secrets." Blaze said, smiling as he held up his hand.

"Thats not a pimp hand," Will pointed as Blaze's hand and then held up his. "This is a pimp hand."

"Yes, sir." Blaze answered quietly and lowered his head to his chest.

"You two are a riot." Rayn laughed.

"Don't we know it." Blaze shouted in excitement as his head shot back up.

As i was about to something, a old creepy two story wooden house came into view. I mean, it was in nice shape, buts some of its apperances gave off a creepy look. Some of the paint was peeling, one of the windows up high was busted. Some of the boards turned green due to the weather.  It had a creepy vibe to it.  Atleast the trees werent hanging completely over the house.  There was some sun shining throught, but barely.  Basically it looked like something out of a horror movie.

I hope this isn't their house. Please say it isnt. I don't have a good feeling about this. I hope it was the next house down. A nice one thats not creepy. Please don't say this is the house. Please. Please. Please.

As i got closer, that strange vibe hit me in the pit of my gut like someone had stabbed me. I held my breathe as i prayed that this wasnt the place i had to stop at to let them out and to come back and pick them up in the morning. I don't know if i could come back to pick them up, with it being just Rayn and I.

The next words that came out of Will's mouth hit me like a mack truck and my heart stop.

"This is it"

Hope you guys like this chapter. Thanks for reading.. Comment and let me know what you think.

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