chapter 12: pranked

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Blaze's P.O.V.

I knew Shawnessa wasn't going to like the Ouija Board that i had gotten her for her birthday. The reason I got it, well, was to see her squirm. I know, it's really a mean thing to do, but i loved to see her terrified. She was funny when she got scared. She is my girlfriends sister and one of my bestfriends. I loved her to death.

I didn't mean any harm to her. I just loved scaring the mess out of her and I think she knew it. I struggled to hold my laughter back when I saw her reaction when she opened her present. We finally convinced her to play acter she had stormed out of the house, before throwing the present back at me, which hurt like hell.

I had a few tricks up my sleeve. As soon as we gathered in the kitchen to play, they sat down while i scrounged up some candles and to turn off the lights.

I had hoped that the board would work, but come to find out it didn't. So that's when my plan had came into play. I started out acting normal, but appeared to get upset znd aggressive when it didn't work, which I knew it wouldn't. I wanted to join in on their conversation that they were having when we were done playing, but i had to stick to my plan. As they sat there taking, Nessa had stopped in mid sentence and froze. I had to keep the look on my face straight, so I wouldn't give myself away and spoil it. I was confused at her reaction. To what, I didn't know.

There wasnt a better time then now to jump start the scary part, but i was interrupted when we all heard a slight breeze, as if someone was blowing out a cigarette lighter, and then, one by one, the candles went out. It was completely dark. I couldnt see a thing. I'll admit, I was a little freaked out, as i thought the breeze had came from an open window. I suddenely remembered, there were no windows open.

I almost crapped myself when Nessa, Rayn, and Will shot up off the floor, running in different directions, scattering the candles. I had to remain calm and still. I think Will shot up the stairs and Nessa, with Rayn right on her tail, shot towards the living room. I chuckled on the inside as I heard something or someone hit the floor. I could hear their voices, but they sounded far off. The only words i were able to hear was from Nessa: "Right here."

I didn't have a clue what she meant. Out the corner of my eyes, i saw the living room light come on, which didn't shine bright at all. It didn't help illuminate the kitchen much. A few seconds later, Nessa and Rayn, slowly, tip toed their way towards me. I stared down at thw board, which I fount strange that was still sitting in the same spot as we put it in with the planchette sitting on top. I made sure not to move a single muscle. I stayed silent and still as Rayn made a quick movement towards Nessa, looping her arm into Nessa's.

"H-h-h-hey, Blaze, are you okay?" Nessa stuttered taking a step forward.

She continued to edge forward, slowly, only coming to a stop when I started rocking back and forth, slowly, while humming the song from "Nightmare On Elm Street". I knew it was dirty of me to do that, but I knew how much she hated that movie, because it absolutely terrified her to the bone.

I didn't have to see her reaction to know that she was scared out of her wits. I could imagine her face right now. I decided to kick it up a notch when I turned my face towards them, with an evil grin plastered on my face as I opened my mouth.

"One, two, it's coming for you.
Three, four, no need to lock your door.
Five, six, grab your crucifix.
Seven, eight, going to stay awake.
Nine, ten, it's going to feed again." i sang.

I made my own little mix to it, but kept a few words and the beat.

I knew deep down, in her little heart, that would freak her out even more, but what I didn't count on, and what nearly scared the popcorn kernels out of me, was when something sounded as if it was tumbling down the stairs. It sounded massive, which almost made me jump and run.

I grimaced as Nessa flung back her head, her face towards the ceiling, letting out a esr piercing scream, spun around, and headed for the door.

I almost died right then and there, immediately. I could feel the laughter trying to come out, but I held it in as best as I could.

"Wee, wee, wee!" Rayn's high pitch squeal filled the house as she done a high step run behind Nessa.

Oh my fruity peebles! These girls were down right something else. I was about to burst. I knew if they did anything else like this, I would erupt with laughter and spoil my plan. I could hear them running for the door, sounding like a herd of cattle. All of a sudden, the running stopped and i heard the front door burst open and bang against the wall.

Dang, they left in a hurry. I think I really scared them. Hell, I don't think Nessa even remembered to stop to get her car. Just as I was about to let out my cries of laughter, I heard Rayn's voice, which was still coming from inside the house: "Why'd you stop?"

Perfect! The wind must have blown the door open. As i pictured their faces in my mind, i knew i had to let out my laughter, so, instead of laughing normally, I let out a demonic laugh. This was absolutely perfect! She would have stains in her bloomers for years! However, I would probably have two dotted eyez when she finds out it was just a prank, but I'll have to admit, this was the best prank I've ever done.

Hi guys.. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.. What do you think about the prank Blaze pulled? Just dirty... Thats okay though because the real fun will began shortly...  Also, this is the last chapter thats going be nameless, in other words, from here on out you wont know what each chapter is about.  It will be full of surprises from here on out. Thanks for reading... Please comment and let me know how I'm doing, since this is my first book... Thanks...

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