chapter 17

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"Look, all I know is that there has to be a logical explanation for all of this happening." Will said, looking at Rayn.

"I don't know why you're looking at me. I didn't have anything to do with any of it!" Rayn shot back.

"I know that. I never said you did, but we do know who had something to do with it!" Will cut his eyes towards Blaze.

"Hey, bro, I told you what all I had done. Now, moving the thingy on the board wasn't me. I told you that I had nothing to do with that. Just like when we felt that small breeze from no where and then the candles went out." Blaze defended.

"Don't forget the front door flying open!" Rayn cut in.

"And the planchette flying at your face." I threw in my two cents.

"Oh, no! Don't remind me of that! That was scary!" Rayn shuddered.

"Yeah, i bet you have skid marks in your undies." Blaze bursted out laughing.

"You're fixing to have skid marks on your face from my fist." Rayn glared.

"I sowwy. I loves you!" Blaze smiled hard, making the corners of his mouth come up under his eyes, his cheeks were red, and his eyes almost squinted shut.

"Come on, stop all of that! We're trying to figure out what caused the planchette, or what ever that thing is called, to move." Will raise his voice.

"There's no need to figure out when we already know." I answered, scowling at Will.

"No! Don't try that. No, that's not what happeneded. You know deep down that 'ghosts' didn't have anything to do with it." Will denied.

"Say what you want, but that's what happened." I was serious.

"You know you don't truely believe that."

"You don't know what I believe. The only reason why you don't believe it, is because your to damn scared. So, you refuse to believe that's what really happened. Besides how do you explain when I got touched?" I snapped.

"Don't tell me that I'm scared, because I'm not. Why would I believe in something that doesn't exist?" he fired back.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE TO DAMN SCARED! Just like I said." i gritted my teeth, as he was starteming to piss me off.

"Think what you want to think." His voice boomed loud.

"Then, why did you come running out of your house with the rest of us? Why the hell did you come here to my house and not stay at yours?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He remained silent. Exactly like I thought. He knew why he went running out of his own home and to mine. Scared. Terrified. He just didn't want to admit it. He may have Blaze and Rayn fooled, but not me. One way or another, he was going to believe.. Whether he wanted to or not.

Sorry. I know its kind of slow and crappy. Im really trying my best. Anyways I appreciate the ones who have read it so far. Thanks.. Enjoy.

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