"A-Almost. But then he touched my hand and said he wasn't ever going to hurt me. What freaked me out though was that when he spoke to me like that, all the panic just died. That's why it was so weird."

"If he can stop you panicking just like that, then I approve!"

"Dad! I can't just up and date him! He just wants to be friends!" Dad usually tried to distract me from thinking about my panic attacks since it usually caused another panic attack to happen again; of course I didn't mind the change in topic.

"Well he is the dreamy type right?"

"Well yeah! His eyes are the darkest of green, I swear they were drowning me"

"Someone's a poet!"

"If you think that was a poem I can see why you aren't an English major"

"Hey! You can drown in something green!"

"Like what?"

"Jello?" I stared at him before he stared back, then we burst out laughing.

"You're ridiculous you know that?"


"He'd be the perfect model for sculpting"

"Thinking of nude models already, how perverse Riley" Dad winked at me making me explode in a blush.

"I was not! Besides my clay sculpting isn't exactly..."

"Yeah... they end up being more useful as door stoppers" Dad burst out laughing making me throw an eraser at him which made him end up throwing something black at me, landing it on my nose. I pouted cutely making him laugh again as I went to the sink to wash off my face.

"I thought black was your color of the semester?"

"It is but I don't need to have it on my face like this!

"But it matches your skin tone!" I rolled my eyes at my dad making him smile.

"I could paint him though"

"I'm sure he'd let you since he thinks your beautiful~" Dad sang out making me roll my eyes again but for a different reason. 

"Riley Harte!" Dad stood up immediately and I knew I was in trouble.

"You repeat the mantra we came up with for you right now!"

"I am beautiful, I am smart. Gay is okay and I deserve the best." Dad nodded at me since he'd make me say it until I meant it or was in tears since I hardly believed those things myself. 

"So when do you get to see tall, dark, and panty-dropping-dead-sexy-gorgeous again?" I blushed all the way down to my neck making Dad laugh again, which was way more than we usually laughed in a day. But if I had a say in anything, Dad was down right pretty for a guy, especially when he laughs.

My manager at the coffee shop even mistook us for being biologically father and son since she said we looked exactly the same when we smiled (since I have to smile at the customers and Dad does it to be polite). To say we were blushing, happy, fools at the time would be an understatement. It was even the day Eric said, "Time to go son" in a really bashful manner since we we're still in front of the manager. He was so surprised when I happily said, "okay Dad!" From then on it was an understanding that we really wanted and needed this kind of relationship from the other.

"Well we have first hour, lunch, and free period together"

"You didn't tell me you two actually had a conversation! What happened to the details I asked for! You've been holding out on me Jelly Bean!" 

"Dad! I was getting there I swear!" Suddenly dad gasped before dragging me to the door of the art room.

"Lunch is right now! Go make a new friend, swing your hips a little" He started to straighten my hair, "make eye contact and don't be afraid to punch him in the nuts if he makes you nervous. Do you have your lunch?" He looked into one of the holes of my backpack seeing a paper bag, "Good! Bye sweetie have a good day!" Dad kissed me on the forehead before shoving me out the door. I looked in the window of the door to see dad skipping to his desk. As much as I was wanting to spend lunch with my dad like I did last semester, James did want to be friends. I should at least try right? 

I was going to head down to the tree that was near the back of the school like I usually did before I had my dad in my life.  I didn't know where James was so if we magically crossed paths during free period then I would try to be friendly. Thats as much effort as I could do today. James made my stomach wriggle like it was filled with worms. Yuck. Gummy worms? Mmmm, much better. 

As I made it outside, avoiding the evil people that hated me in my life, I sat under the tree thinking one thing. 

If dad said he didn't think he could ever get a girlfriend, I swear he could get a boyfriend with the way he acts...Fabulous~! 


I have no idea what to put here so... on to the next update :)

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