Family Issues

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It might've not seemed that way, but I was a little surprised that Jake would ask me out. But even so I acted and did well. The only real problem is I saw Zeke walking away. Bastard was listening to us! I don't say or do anything because Jake steps in front of me. "I'm gonna go home."


"Then," he says babbling on. But Jake does bend over and kiss me. He's still not sober and still had the same taste and smell so I make him go back. After that confession, my heart start pounding a bit. He actually pouts. "Fine. See you later, Alex."

I watch him leave and expect my heart to explode but the bell does. I run to class in a hurry and infuriated with Zeke. As soon as I run in, I grab Zeke by the shirt. "Why were you listening?"

"To what? . . . Oh you mean Jake? I was going around the corner and heard him. I turned around and went the other way. Was that you?"

I can hear a hint of lying.

I drop him and feel embarrassed that someone found out. Dammit this is ruining my self-esteem! But damn I have a big mouth sometimes. "I refused okay?"

Zeke leans towards me. "That just makes me curious of why you are explaining to me, but it's your business."

I glare at him and back away. "Curious? I'm curious about why you acted so weird the other day and then just ran away. I know you can't answer something personal either so shut the fuck up."

But he keeps on grinning.

When something hurtful is said and there is still a grin or smile on someone's face, they don't want you to know their weak inside. Don't be such a harsh kitty, Alex.

"Are you challenging me? That's really brave of you but no thanks. There is something I'll ask though."


He's got a smirk and smug attitude now. I can feel it like a dog can sense if someone is angry. "I have somewhere to take you after school, Alex. Are you gonna come?"

The bell rings and I roll my eyes. "Fine."

I survive classes wondering where we're going. After class I follow him to his car. He's got a black Mustang GT. I've always liked those so that's ironic. I get in and he starts the car. "What band?"

I think for a minute. "Green Day."

"Surprising for a violinist."

He turns on a Green Day song from his ipod and I mouth the words while he drives down the highway. The city is full of smog and murder. I'm not that huge of a fan of the city but I'll survive. It's better than being in the boring country. But since we humans live so much longer than a lot of creatures, I could move to a place that's not so large.

Zeke tries conversation. "Why'd you start the violin?"

"A hobby to enjoy. Jesse can design clothes, I play violin, Patrick's amazing at painting."

"Ever think of anything else? Don't you get frustrated or bored?"

I smirk and give him a look. "In passion you become frustrated but never bored. I always enjoyed seeing the faces of the listeners. That's all I really need to keep playing the violin."

 Zeke speeds up and I look out the window to try to figure out where he's taking me. The buildings are familiar so it's probably somewhere I've been so before. I hope I can trust him. I only started talking to him recently so why should I trust him easily? "We're almost there."


"A surprise."


"No need for sarcasm!"

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