Close Calls

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"Class dismissed!" Mr. Bubbles (Yes Bubbles is funny.) The bell rings and I groan, stretching out wide. My back pops and my muscles show how much they hurt from sitting there.

Maggie tussles my hair in the chair beside me, laughing. I push her hand away. "Haha, pick on me huh?"

"Well, if it's only first period and your tired, then wait until Mrs. Korban gets here! Then you can be tired, Alex."

"Is she next?" I ask Maggie and relax in the plastic chair they say is supposedly comfortable but makes me have the worst feeling body.

Samantha grins. "Yes."

I groan again and pop my knuckles. "I hate her!"

Maggie and Samantha nod in agreement. But I doze off while they have a conversation on their boyfriends, looking at the guy I like but I can't have because that's Samantha's boyfriend. He's Jake Winter and a total hottie, but I'm not gonna get him. I don't find myself beautiful like everyone else does.

Regular blond hair and bland brown eyes. I'm a little too skinny even if my friends say models would kill to look like me any day. A boring 17-year-old if you ask me. I notice Jake's eyes turn to me and my face flashes red and I act like I'm reading my book that's open. Then I don't look back up in embarrassment until Mrs. Korban comes in.

Mrs. Korban just nags us so I write notes with Maggie. Did you hear about the new guy? Maggie's sloppy hand writing asks my good hand writing.

No .what about one?

He's in Room 3-3, our grade and two down!


OMG! He's hot stupido!

Sorry for not looking for hotties then . . . .

I'm passing it to Maggie and Mrs. Korban grans it. "Read it out loud then noon detention."

We read it and then sit down, looking flushed and I feel so embarrassed I want to die. Maggie is forced to switch seats with a prep I hate. The prep giggles at me and my fist is being held back. She's so lucky. Really lucky. Trust me. After a hellish morning classes, I have lunch . . . detention. Sad that I spend lunch with delinquents.

The teacher is asleep so I read and Maggie starts whispering to me: "Well start looking at guys!"

"I don't want to! I have to worry about Patrick!"

"Alex! You know their's life past Patrick and he's the new guy, Zeke! Don't be so uptight! Your beautiful so chase him or be lonely!"

I get pissed and pout until the food comes. I chow down then the bell rings soon. The rest of the day, sucks! . . . Until I get on the bus. I see Patrick get on the bus. He comes over and sits by me. "Hi, Patrick."

"Hi, Alex."

I give him a hug and he grins. Some people laugh but I ignore them. Patrick has autism and he's blind in one eye. But I love my little brother. He's sweet and knows right from wrong. Most guys are douche bags now. That's why I don't bother dating. Who wants a fake love when it'll make you hurt in the end?

I don't want that.

Someone laughs and points at Patrick. My hand clenches into a fist from their taunts. When someone else laughs, I blow. I turn around and tell them: "You just love being perfect, huh?! To the extent of hurting others?!"

He stops and the others do. I turn away because my eyes are teary from fury. Looking out the window at the city helps me until I'm calm. We get off and Patrick goes out the door first. Unlucky me falls down the stair. But lucky me lands on the sidewalk and I scrap my hand, unluckily.

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