Part 5

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"mom, where are you" you said as you walked threw the halls, she was in her office looking at her paper work.

"oh hi sweetie" she said looking up "what can i help you for"

"mom something has been moving my stuffed animals across the room" you said

"it probably just lilly" she said putting plate away "and aren't you a little too old to have stuffed animals"

"I am highly offended at that comment" you said, she rolled her eyes

"well I have a few patients coming into today so try to keep It on the down low hmmk" she said

"yhea,yhea, but why do you have it at our house?" you asked

"well I don't have an place of business " she said"and this place has so many rooms so I thought why not"

"far enough" you said 'well i'm going to take a shower"

"make sure to lock the door the other ones are clogged you, heaves know why... did you flush another pad down them"

"MOM!" you yelled she laughed

"don't be over emotional dere" she laughed

"yhea, yhea" you said going into the bathroom.

Your mom waited for her first patient when she heard a loud crash, she jumped up and ran off she saw a boy there, he was face first on the floor,

"ouch" he said

"who are you" your mom asked, his face went deathly pale

"im, im... Alfred" he said "and this isn't what it looks like"

"well your earlier for one thing" your mom said, now get up, she held out her hand and dragged Alfred up

"so last name please" she said he saw gilbert scribbling in her clipboard before giving a thumbs up the disappearing

"Alfred Jones" he said she picked up her board

"here we are" she sia d"ok have seat" Alfred sit down

"ao Alfred tell me a bit about yourself, age, what you like, and what you need to talk about" she asked

'well..i'm seventeen years old" he said "or at least that how old I was when I died" he thought

"I like comics, but haven't read them in a while" he said

"what type of comics"she asked

"super hero, my favourite one is captain America" he siad "but i haven't read them in a while" he said he looked down

"why not" she said

"they got thrown out... along with a lot of other things" he said

"why did they get thrown out" she said

"well..." he trailed off "we moved and then the movers lost them"

"well that stinks have you ever thought of buying more" she said

"can't get a job" Alfred said

"why" she said

"something Is keeping me back" he said "it a bit complicated"

"what is keeping you back"

"well there the fact that i'm dead, and can't leave this house" he thought "my mom and dad say i'm not responsible enough" he lied

"well why don't you try and do more things around the house to show them how responsible they are" she said

"can I use the bathroom" Alfred asked just trying to avoid this conversation

"sure up stairs to the left, but knock first my daughter might be in there

"thanks" he got up and gilbert appeared next to him and smacked him over the head.


"well at least she doesn't think i'm an intruder or something" Alfred said as they walked up stairs.

"you really can be stupid sometimes" yao said

"Alfred is stupid" ivan giggled

"look all of you stop it ok" Alfred said as he opened the door, only to you in your room, with you standing there in only a pair of sweatpants and a bra, he froze

"ugh...." he said, he was completely frozen by shock.

"mom how many times have i ask you to knock-" you were cut off when you saw him in the doorway

"oh shit" gilbert said, covering his eyes, but alfred could see right thru them.

"well what are you doing close the door!" yao screamed

"GET OUT!" you yelled picking up the closet thing near you which happened to be a hair brush and smacked him right in the forehead,

"im, im sorry" he said rubbing his head slamming the door, and running out and out the door

"hey where are you going" your moms aid but he ran out the gate then was teleported to the basement, ivan was there playing with some rocks, gilbert appeared next to.

"wow, that was just embarrassing" he cackled

"s-shut up" Alfred said putting his hands in his face "úghhhhhhhhh" alfred fell to the floor.

"please kill me now" he winned

"but you're already dead" ivan said

"thanks for putting salt in the wound" Alfred said, you room was still looking for him, when she walked up stairs, she found you all huffed up

"what happen" she asked

"some boy walked in on me changed and just stared at me, so I threw brush at him and he ran off" you huffed

"well that was one of my patients that was just looking for the bathroom" she said then started laughing "oh god that had to stink" she said

"what is so funny" you said

'well it just that usually, when guys see that, the body tense up"

"from what" you said

"I think we all know what" she said your face when red

"MOM!" you said

"oh come on" she patted your back "I don't think he will be coming back tho, you have a killer spiral" she picked up the brush,and handing it to "good luck girl"  

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