Part 3

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You were doodling in one of your sketch books, you had been in this house for about a two weeks and you didn't like it here, you always heard thrashing form the wall and sometimes whispers, you just brushed it off and blamed the wind and the old house was just settling, still you felt uneasy, so it was 12:44 and you drawing, when you heard loud crash come form the kitchen, you jumped and Lilly jumped so far up she fell off the bed. You pulled out a bat that was hidden behind your bed, and turned on the light and went down stairs.

"What is she doing" Gilbert said to Alfred "is she nuts... well at least she took the bat with her, she has some smarts"

"oh crap who was it" Alfred said as they walked behind you, you still couldn't see or hear them you walked to the kitchen Alfred and Gilbert gave a sigh of relief, it was only Ivan, he was tapping on the pans like a drum and pulling them out of the cupards.

"he looked at you coming down"

"yao where the hell are you" Gilbert said, as you got closer the kitchen, they heared Ivan giggle a bit, you looked in threw the door you saw nothing, but Ivan was one your side he reached out to tug your sweatpants leg, then a hand grabbed him and pulled him back.

"What do you think you're doing" Yao had said "I told you to stay put" Ivan giggled as you walked through the halls

"was she really paling on fighting a burglar in hello kitty pajamas" gilbetr said, Alfred looked at you walking through the halls

"Well she seems... interesting if you asked me" Alfred said,Gilbert gave a him a what the hell look.

"Hello did you forget you're dead" he said, knocking on his head "it won't happen"

"n-not like that" Alfred said brushing his hand off.

"Snap out of it, I mean think at it this way, she is alive and can leave, your dead and can't leave" he said in a 'shouldn't you know this by now' tone

"yhea, when something caught there eye, a ghost that wasn't in there group, it gave a big smile, as it looked at you, he reached his hand out to grab you, when you looked back you screamed and smacked it straight across the face he was slammed into the wall into the wall, you swung again but the ghost disappeared you heard your mom running down there stairs turning on the light.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN" she said as she had a gun in her hand, her finger already on the trigger

"I saw someone" you said as you looked at the dent in the wall" you mom walked down and looked at the damage in the walls

"Well it will need a few layers of paint, but you feeling ok" she said

"No!, there was man right there ready to grab me, I heard something crash down here, the pots are scarred everywhere and I, I ,I... must of imagined it" you said rubbing your head "wow I must really be losing it"

"new house new problem" she said "come on go back to bed, I'll look for a break in, she said looking at the windows"

"DID YOU SEE THAT" Gilbert yelled "she just smacked that asshole straight in the face hahahaha, not so high and powerful now are you sprits!" he yelled

"Wow!" Alfred said as you passed him "that was pretty cool"

"oh god and his face when she smacked him" Gilbert said wiping a tear off his face "priceless"

"But wont that ghost be super pissed off" Alfred said, Gilbert face fell into a oh yhea face

"Shit, she dead" Gilbert said, yao was still scolding Ivan on going out after hours.

"Well she can't die a person hasn't died in this house since..." Gilbert trialed off, he gave a quick glance to Alfred.

"Yhea I know" Alfred said "what do we do, she could die!"

"We can't do anything" Gilbert said "were the dead there are the living, we have already passed"

"That messed up" Yao said as Ivan was next to him "we can't just let a girl die for no reason"

"Well we can't do anything we can't harm the living or the dead remember that was out pact" Ivan said

"Well those rulers are stupid" Alfred said "we aren't letting her die and be trapped in here forever like us; you want her to join us"

"No" Gilbert said rolling his eyes "I'm a ghost not a monster"

"Then that it we need to keep and close eye on the spirits around her got it" Yao said "because I'm not doing it"

"Oh please you like her don't you" Gilbert said

"Dude shut it" Alfred said

"Fine but you need to look after her" Gilbert said

Meanwhile you were in your room trying o comprehend what the heck just went on

"I saw something, I'm not losing it, i a man was there, then I hit him, I went to hit him again but he was gone, I'm going mad, I'm losing my mind aren't I or... maybe this house is haunted" you thought "I mean I looked it up and there have been many deaths in this house, why dose mom have to be a horror freak" you laid down and grabbed Lilly

"What do you think" you said she meowed and then looked at the door

"yhea protect me form the ghost" you said as you sighed "I am going crazy"

America x reader the only thing i have leftKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat