Part 12

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You walked out the house and saw toin in his car

"come on let's go" he said

"sounds good" you said, alfred looked out from the window, his eyes narrowed at toin

"hey alfred are they gone" gilbert asked

"yeah they're gone" alfred said yao was in the kitchen

"nothing like a nice glass of tea to soothe the nerves" he said tacking sip, then spit it out

"blag british tea" he said ivan was playing with lily who seemed to take a liking to him

"nice kitty" ivan said as the cat nuzzled in his scarf, when he felt a present

"i can sense one" ivan said as lily hissed at the chair

"show your self" gilbert said

"or what, your going to lock me up hahaha" the voice said"please i've seen better ghost in hell where all of you will end up"

"we said show yourself" alfred said as the ghost started to appear

"what, what are you doing"it hissed

"alfred how are you doing that" yao said the ghost appeared a man who appeared to be in mid twenty his neck was bent at un really angle"

"you can see me, so what, don't mean you can catch me" it mocke, when gilbert tackled it to the ground

"get the hell off me" it yelled, as ivan took of his scrfe revlinghsi neck withc had a large scar on it

"i think not" ivan said as he tied him up the ghost slowly started to vanish

"i will see you in hell" it screamed at him before it was gone

"nice job guys" gilbert said as ivan quickly wrapped the scarf around his neck

"and alfred when did you learn to make them come out like that, ivan stared at him, he picked up lilly

"hsi power is growing to strong" he thought as he disappeared and then reappeared in the walls, bones of hundreds could be seen.

"we will need to put a stop to this" he said as lilly stared wrapped up in scarf he walked through before he found it, alfred box, he opened it and then pulled out a picture of you

"stealing from her, taking some stuff, i see you come every day to this box and add something o it, earning, you can't hide from me alfred i know what you're doing" he said to lily hissed at the box

"we will need to tell the others, alfred is not ok, the house is taking him over still"

"ivan where are you" he heard yao scream "we still have a lot of work to do

"lilly please protect her no matter what" he said to her as he went back to them

"i'm sorry" he said "i went to relax a bit"

"we can relax after we still have a lot of stuff to do

"yes yao" ivan said as he tucked the picture away in his scarf.  

America x reader the only thing i have leftTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon