Part 28

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You huffed as you sat in the park, and crossed your arms

"i swear to god those two ghost were right, alfred is crazy" you said "what do i do now" you said

"toin think i'm low life, alfred is probably going threw some break down" when your phone rang it was liz

"[name] what on year happen!" she said

"alfred is what happen" you said

"what did he do" she asked

"let's see he lied to toin making him think i was cheating on alfred" you said

"tht ass" she said "look i'm going to talk to toin about this ok"

"wait liz you think i can stay at your house"

"but midterms" she said

"i don't think alfred has left my house"

"what! ok that's it i'm calling the cops" she said

'no lizi just need a place to stay for a few night"

"well ok i don't think my dad will mind" she said "but if this continues i will personally kick his ass"

"thanks liz you're the best" you said as you got up and walked to her house

The two days for finals was brutal, but it was the day you would have to face alfred, you were not looking forward to it, you didn't want to see him ever again, but he couldn't leave,and he was unstable. you were walking home, and you saw the house, you took in breath and stepped on the lane, you felt like sitting duck if alfred come out now, heaven only knows what he would do, you walked into the house, it was peaceful, you sat on the couch constantly looking over your shoulder, you were hoping your dad would get this house, when you heard a meow, up stir, you had forgotten lily, you mentally slapped yourself before running up stairs

You opened the door only to see lily wrapped in alfred arms trying to break loose, as he was sleeping away, lily had a look of pain in her eyes, first alfred ruins your friendship, lied to you, and now this, you had had enough, you walked up and snaked lily out of alfred grip, she quivered in your chest, alfred opened his eyes he saw you.

"[NAME]!" he yelled as he got up , you backed off

"you hurt her!" you yelled at him as lily looked at you with her big yellow eyes

"i don't mean to i was just cuddling her" alfred said

"you hurt her!... this is it alfred" you said "i can't believe you"

"what did i do!" alfred said "tell me what i can do to make it up to you"

"get out of my face" you said

"anything but that" he said

"alfred i don't want to see you" you said "i've had it up to here with your lies, you're deceiving, and your jealous and to clingy" you said

"can you blame me, i have been alone in this house for so many years, then you come along and you made it better" he defend himself.

"i'm not here to make you feel better alfred, it into my job"

"btu your my friend" alfred disa

"a friend don't make another friend feel guilty for not being for them 24/7" you said"you lied to both liz and toin about being my boyfriend, and for all i know you could of gone completely off your rocker" you yelled at him

"but i love you" he said

"well that you're feeling, alfred not mine" you said "if you did care about me, you would get out of my face!" you said

"f-fine if that what you really want" he cried as he vanished, lily looked at you

"come on i need to get you some water i'm so sorry girl" you said

alfred sat in the basement and cried.

"she really hate me now" alfred weeped "what do i do"

"take her" the voices said into his year "she is going to leave why don't you just take her!"

"no i can't she needs her freedom" alfred said

"take her, take her" the voices increased

"shut it" alfred said "i'm tired of listening to you guys you always telling me to do this stuff, i followed what you guy told me to do,and look where it got me, she hates me more than ever!"

"then make a place where she won't want to leave, we have seen you do it before " a voice said "then she will want to stay with you and she will be so grateful for making her life more pleasant than the one she has now.

"no , no it not that same, she doesn't deserve to be stuck here like me"

"maybe if she learns what it feels like not being able to leave she will finally understand, but she will still have her freedom alfred, come on alfred it perfect, do it!" thy yelled over and over in his ears, he covered them but the voices still amged there way in

"DO IT!" the voices rang through his head

"yeha what does she know about having her freedom being taken away, she doesn't know me at all ,and if i make her, her own world that perfect she will see how much i care about her" alfred said

the voices cheered as alfred walked up the steps to your room  

America x reader the only thing i have leftحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن