Part 10

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You were at he beach, with your two new friends.

"wow it actually warm and you're not freezing your butt off" you said

"pretty cool" liz said

"yeah" you said, when you hear a voice

"sorry i took so long" toin said you looked over

"oh no he hot" you thought

"[name] your staring" liz said snapping you out of it

"oh sorry" you said

"well let's go swimming" toin said, as he dove into the water,

"hey [name] i have question" she asked

"about what"

"how does it feel to live in the murder house" she said

"w-what" you said

"do you not know the myth about it, about how so many people are bound to that house, there spirits can't leave"

"well i uhhh"

"oh don't scare her lizzy" toin said wrapping an arm around you, you face went bright red.

"she just trying to scare you, but it true a lot of death have happened in that house, people say it is haunted" toin said

"well the only thing that has happened is on the third night there was an intruder but the police couldn't find any signs of break in" you said

"what happen" Toin said

'i hit him with a bat and he ran off, well more like dissapeared" you said

"it a ghost" liz said shaking you

"pleases stop" you said to her

"you're no fun'

'i think she pretty funny" toin siad "and just pretty too"

"t-thanks" you said

"come on let's go clist diving" liz said

"how about we don't go cliff diving" you suggest

"nope" she said picking you up

"hey let me down" you demand

"nah trust me it fun and 86 % safe"

"what about the other 14%?!" you yelled

but you were already on top of the mountain, she threw you off off

"shrew you" you yelled as you hit the water she followed in after you

"see want that fun" she said as toin followed in after

"[name]" you ok" she asked but you had your hands over your chest

"my top, it, its gone" you said as you sunk lower

"oh good god" she said

"TOIN WE GOT A LOST TOP" she yelled

"im on it" he said

"oh man im sorry" she said

"i found it" he said holding it up in the air he threw it liz caught it,and handed it to you, you went under the water and put it on

"welp let's go look for seashells" she said

"i think, i need to rethink my life first" you said

"come on we can look for sand dollars" she said as you three swam to the sandy beach, you were digging in the sand,

"any luck toin" you said but saw that he was petting baby turtle

you sat next to him "it seems to like you"

"yeah they're perfect aren't they"

"i suppose" you said "so toin about my house, do you really think it could be haunted"

"maybe, i do believe there something after we die, but the whole ghost are bound to the place is just local folklore" he said as the baby turtle was walking towards the ocean

"they saw that once you die in the house, you can't leave and that you go a bit crazy to" he said

"well that just great for me" you said

"im sure it not haunted you will be fine" he said

"i sure hope so" you sia d

"so [name] i was wondering since you don't know the city so well why don't i take you out tomorrow to show you around"

"really, well i don't see why not" you said

'great, so maybe tomorrow at three" he said

"well sure but i will need your number" you said

"sure" he said "man it getting late the sun is already setting"

"well we would of been her earlier if we didn't stop ice cream first, not that i'm complaining" you said

"hey love birds" Liz said snapping you and toin out of your moment

"guys it getting late let's stop at some place to eat before we get going"

"sounds good" toin yelled sitting up he placed his hand to you and dragged you up

"come on let's get changed" LIz said   

America x reader the only thing i have leftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora