Part 4

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The whole incident with the intruder as you mom put it, doesn't leave your mind so easily, but that wasn't the biggest problem, today was oru first day at Westfield high, you went so excited about it. But you put on your clothes ate breakfast and went to the bus, you saw a group of girls , three of them

"man this break went by to fast" one said

"yhea, how you do on mid terms" the girls asked one you clutched onto your school bag and looked at your feet, they continued to have their conversation, when the bus came around the corner, they walked up first when the bus driver stopped you

"you new" he asked

"yes" you said

"id please" he said you pulled it out.

"ok get on" he said pointing to the back, you walked by you were hoping for someone to offer you seat but that didn't happen, you sat in there very back, some boys were having a very interesting conversation,

"did you see her, like what is she ten, pink was so last season" the girl from the group said, you slouched back down in your seat.

"well excuse me for liking cute stuff" you said "in Oragain you could wear whatever you wanted" you looked out the window please at least have good teachers. You waited until they stopped right outside westfield high you stood up and started to walk out the bus, he gave a huff when you said bye

"ok first class is English" you said, as the boys from the bus rammed into you you fell on your knees "ouch" you said as you dusted yourself off, you heard them chuckle. You grabbed up your schedule btu a hand was already over it, you looked up and meet a pair of green ones.

"It looks like you need some help" he said

"thanks" you said as he handed it to you

"you ok it looked like you took quite the fall there" he said

"yeah i'm fine, thanks again" you said

"no problem" he said as he walked off and gave you one last wave.

All of your classes were going good until pe came around, you stood out adjusting your one size too big uniform, they ran out of your size, you looked around the teacher called roll, then lined you up

"ok Liz and Frankie yoru captains" she said the two girls called out the people to get on the team

"ok new girl looks like you're with us" franky said you walked over

"ok now we all know the rules of dodgeball so don't get too crazy" she said,

She blew the whistle and everyone went nuts to say the least, you dogge done that almost hit you in the gut, then one that would've hit you on the chest. It was almost done when one hit you straight across the face sending you back and fell with a thunk on the floor, If this was cartton you would see birds flying around your head.

"is she ok" a girl said

"dude I think she bleeding" another rone said

"give her some room" the teacher said "you ok girl" you opened your eyes and felt a sharp pain in your nose, you could feel the blood in your nose as it spilled out and on your gym clothes.

"ok let's get you to the nurse office" she said as she helped you up

"I'll take her"a voice said the captain of the other team went up.

"come on let's get you patched up" you held your nose down

"thanks" you mumbled as she lead you out.

"this day stinks" you thought

"i'm sorry about that" she spoke up "I was aiming for you stomach but you're shorter then you look"

"ok" you said

"well here it is" she said

"thanks" you said and went in

You weren't enjoying the rest of the day, everyone was looking at your swollen nose, you were relived when you finally got home.

"i'm home" you said

"hey honey-WHAT IN GODS NAME HAPPENED TO YOUR NOSE" she yelled, going over and taking look at it

"I got hit in the face with a dodge ball" you said blankly "do we have any more ice"

"yeha in the freezer" she said "other than that how was your day" you shrugged your shoulders, and took an ice pack and put it on your nose

"Fine I guess" you said as you went to your room

"Well good luck" she said, you saw Lilly curled up in ball on the foot of your bed

"hey girl hope your day was better then mine" you said as you went to your desk, you put the ice pack down as you pulled out your work, you looked in the mirror and then saw a flash, you rubbed your eyes, if you didn't know better, you could've sworn you saw a little boy, with a scarf that was way to big for his body, you rubbed your eyes

"the ball must of also hit me in the head"  

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