Part 22

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You were snoozing, peacefully on the couch, when alfred appeared behind it, he went next to your ear and

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" he screamed which made you scream and swing your arm up punching him right in the nose.

"ouch!" he yelped as you rubbed your hand.

"why would you do that!" you yelled at him,as he kept holding onto his nose

"what you were sleeping and you need to wake up" alfred said

" why" it the weekend and i dont" ring ringing, your phone went off

"we are not done with this" you said picking up the phone

"hey mom" you said "what happened"

"well you see that thing is, i may of roundhouse kicked him,and this could take another two weeks... sorry"

" you kicked him in the gut"

"no i kicked him where the sun don't shine" she said

"well good job" you said" so two more weeks"

"around two weeks, how is going for you" she said, you looked at alfred who was sitting across the couch

"well something interesting came up, btu it fine"

"what happen" she said

"sorry mom breaking up"

"don't you dare-" you hung up, and sighed

"so what happened" alfred asked

"well now it none of your business" you said "but long story short mom kicked dad in the balls, two weeks extension" you said

"i see what he do" alfred said,

"something stupid probs" you said, alfred was about to speak, when the doorbell rang

" ok you need to hide" you said as alfred disappeared

"never going to get used to that" you though as you opened the door and liz was standing there.

"hey liz what brings you here" you asked

"[name] i need you right now" she said

"for what" you said

"it toin i swear to good he a mess right now" Liz said

"what happen" you asked

"his girlfriend broke up with him, and it wasn't pretty"

"why what did she do?" you asked

"toin caught her out with another man when he confronted her, she threw this huge fit and, basically he a wreck, he won't come out of his room, he is barely eating,and he says he going to quit the soccer team, you need to come now!" she said

"oh god that sounds terrible" you said

"i know , now let's go" she said grabbing you and dragging you out of the house, alfred was not happy by this at all.

you ran to toin house liz wasn't even out of breath you felt like dieing, she knocked on the door, toin mom answered it, she let you two in, you walked to his room and knocked on the door

"GO away" you heard Toni groan.

"oh god he gotten worse" liz said as she started banging on the door

"Toin lets us in" li said

"what the point" he said

"toin lets us in right now, stop being so over emotional, that girl was trash,and why are you so hung up on trash" liz said

"she is not trash" toin said

"well if she treated you like trash then she worse" you said "toin your a nice guy that girl, didn't see what she had, so come out please"

"no" toin said

"okn that it" liz said taking out a bobby pin and picking the lock, and you two walked in toin was laying face down on his bed silently weeping into his pillow.

"go away" he said

"oh good god" liz said picking him up

"toin" you said he looked at you

"[name] what are you doing here" he asked

"i came to check up on you" you said as you walked over to him "look toin i know when someone cheats on you, it the worse feeling in the world, and your world does change, but over time you will meet someone new, who makes you feel special, look i know things seem bleak at the moment but trust me, you're a nice guy and any girl would be lucky to have you" you said

"you think" he said

"i know, you're likable guy toin" you said

"thank you [name]" he said

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