Part 20

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so this is Alfred back story to end any confusion , please take note this is a violent and has a mention of suicide so please take caution hill reading 

The year 1997



"mom, dad is everything ok" alfred asked

"alfred sweetie go to your room" she said

"but-" alfred was cut off

"ALFRED JONES GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM" the man barked at him

"y-yes sir" he said and scampered away

"how dare you yell at him like that" the woman said

"SHUT IT ELIZA" he yelled "I'M THE MAN IN THIS HOUSE AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME" he grabbed her arm and bent it back

"that hurts let me go" she whimpered

"you're coming with me" he pulled her towards the room and threw her on the floor,

"what are you doing" she yelled, the man pulled out a gun

"i'm sick and tired of not getting any respect in this house" he yelled pointing the gun at her

"PlEASE DON'T WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU" she yelled , but the man pulled the trigger a loud bang filled the room. then silence, alfred heard the gunshot and ran down stairs he slammed the , open seeing his, mom in pile of her own blood.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" alfred yelled going over to her limp body and checking her pulse, she was still breathing alfred gave a sigh of relief.

"and your next boy" he said pointing the gun at alfred head, alfred shut his eyes, when he heard a click but no bullet had hit him, he looked the gun was empty

"lousy no good" his dad said going to the drawer and pulling out another clip alfred took this chance and made a run for it, he ran to the back door, to the back yard,

"GET BACK HERE" his dad yelled, alfred went over the fence only to hear a gunshot almost hit him, he dogged it and ran into the forest, he ran as fast as his feet could carry him, he saw something in the opening, an ax logged into a tree, he stopped and pulled it out, his dad stopped only feet behind him.

"now let's take care of you" he said pointing the gun alfred, showed him the ax

"dad please i don't want to hurt you" he said, he had tears in his eyes

"oh boo hoo boy, stop crying and die like man" his dad said

"what has happen to you, you were always, a bit strict but you loved us, now, now you"

"that right" his dad said as he was about to pull the trigger, but alfred ran up to him, swinging the ax above his father's head and smashed it down straighton his skull, blood spattered on his face, hands and shirt, his dad fell limp, to his knees, he dropped the gun, alfred let go of the ax, and just stared at his dad

"i-i killed him" alfred said "i-i killed him, i'm, i'm a m-monster" he broke down on his knees

"i'm so sorry dad, i don't know what happened to you" he cried on his father's chest "i'm so fucking sorry"alfred weeped, after ten minutes, he got up. and dragged himself home. when he go there, he went inside, he ran to his mom to make sure she was ok, but she was gone, he looked outside the door, he saw cop cars

"oh, no, no, what if they thought i did it" he was panicking, when the door was banging on

"we know you're in there come out with your hands up" the cops yelled, alfred stepped back

"we're giving you to the count of three" the officer said, alfred ran upstairs and pulled down the attic door and climbed up, he sat in there panicking.

"what do i do" he thought rocking back and forth"

"there is one way" something said, when the light from the window shined threw

"do it, it the only way" the voice pressured him

"do,it you monster it then only way you can make up for what you did" it said

"no,no it not" alfred whimpered he was slowing losing all hope, when he heard the door from downstairs break thru.

"Do it, do it"the voice chanted at him, alfred sat up just the police were under the attic, he opened the window and looked out, the sky was still, blue he looked at his blood soaked hands, he housed himself up on the window seele, and grabbed on to the top he hung over the people were pointing at him, the attic door open the men saw him

"DON'T DO IT" the men yelled, but alfred let go of the edge and fell out the window.

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