Part 7

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You were walking home, school was actually nice for once when you saw someone in your yard, you looked closer it was that guy who walked into your room while you were changing, you walked up.

"hey, you know my mom not taking patients today right" you yelled he looked up and his face went red

"hey, hey calm down" you said pushing the fence open, he scooted a bit back

"hey you" you said

"look im really sorry about what happen a few days ago-"

"look what your name" you asked

"it Alfred" he said

"look Alfred, i'm sorry for throwing a brush to your face, btu you really should learn to knock, so if you can promise that you will knock then I suppose I can forgive you" you said

"really" he said


"few for a second there I was worrying that you would hit me with your bag" he laughed

"yhea, yhea" you said"mom said if I see you again I should apologize"

"well that stings" he said

"well what are you doing here anyway, my mom isn't having any patent today"

"oh I wanted to stop by to apologize to you actually" he said

"well hat very nice of you" you said"so Alfred how old are you"

"seventeen" he said picking the grass"

"oh me to" you said "do you go to westfield high to"

"no I am... home schooled" he said

"that cool, so is your mom or dad teach you"

"" he said

"I see" you said when you heared car horn you jumped

"hey honey help me with the groceries I got a lot" she said she saw Alfred

"oh your back" she said " you ok there, she didn't hit you again did she"

"mom" you said

"here I'll help" Alfred said

"oh you don't need to" she said

"no it ok" Alfred said grabbing them

"well thanks boy" she said as she walked in, she gave you a wink and nugge

"mom no" you said

"aww still can't take a joke" she said as she grabbed half of them

You grabbed the others as you walked in Alfred set them down on the counter

"thanks alfe" she said placing them down Alfred got

'well i should get going" he said

"so I guess you won't be coming back then" she said

"yeah, mom not so happy I got hit in the head" he said. your mom looked at you, you shrugged your shoulders.

"well I hope you still take my advice" she said "how about for an opilgie I invite you to dinner, if your parents are ok with that"


"we're having hamburgers by the way" she said

"I don't think they will mind at all!" Alfred said immediately

"good, you sit down and watch some tv, I will get started on din-din" she said

"mom what are you doing" you whispered

"well he was patient who need help, then this patient who need help got smacked in the face with a brush, that not how you treat people with these issue, know go make friends, for three hours ok" she said as she shoved you towards him, he was staring at the remote

"you ok there pal" you said "yeah it just I don't know how to remote" he said

"ok then" you grabbed it and turned it on "what do you want to watch?"

"you choose i'm not picky" he said

"ok Adventure time it is" you said

"what the hell are you.doing!" Gilbert yelled 'are you stupid or something"

"yes he is" yao said

"oh man this is bad, bad, bad" gilbert said

"I think we know what we have to do" yao said

"it the only way" gilbert said, and they disappeared ivan was at the top of the stairs

"I can sense a bad darkness looming again" ivan said  

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