Part 8

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"Alfred" you said as he was longing on your couch

"oh hey there [name]" he said "I i've learned how to remote"

"that nice but why are you in my house" you said

"oh your mom said i could stop by to hang out" he said

"oh good mom why would you do this" you though

"please get your feet off the table" you said pushing them off

"sorry" he said, you rolled your eye when you got a phone call, you answered it

"hey liz"you said

"hey [name] anyway today i'm thinking about going swimsuit shopping, want to come?"

"yeah that sounds nice can you pick me up"

"sure where your address" she asked

" 1120 Westerchester" you said you heard her silent.

"liz you ok"

"oh, i'm fine sorry spaced out, so I will pick you up in thirty ok"

"sounds good" you said and hung up

"who as that" Alfred asked

"a friend" you said "im leaving so you will have to go to"

"btu I was hoping we could maybe hang out.."

"why would we do that" you said his face feel

"oh I see" he said "I thought we were friends ish like" he said

"Alfred" you said "what is up with you"

"are we friends [name]" he asked

"..." you said silent, then you heard a sniff

"..Alfred are you ok" you said but he wouldn't look up, you walkd over

"Alfred look at me" you said as you kneeled down to, you placed your hands on his face and made him look at you his eyes were filled with tear.

"oh good Alfred.. i'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you" you said

"r-really" he said

"yeah aim sorry,it just I've hard time trusting men of late, I shouldn't of made you cry" you said

"no it fine, it just I don't really have a lot of friends"

"really!" gilbert said "geez these two get a room, am I right" he said and he looked around seeing that yao had already left

"what happens alfred" asked

"it kinda of a long story" you said sitting down "very long story"

"well I got time" Alfred said

"well... I caught my dad cheating on my mom, and I wonder if I hadn't told her, would I still be back home, but then I think about how selfish that is... but I still think it all my fault my mom is working so much and being so stressed as of late, and if my dad hadn't of been a stupid, little shit we would still be home, I miss Oregon... so much, I miss my school, my friends, everyone is just so, so,so fake and rude and mean and, ugggg I hate him so much!" you ranted

"well my dad wasn't the best either" Alfred said

"what your story" you asked

"I rather not talk about it"" he said it kind of a sensitive topic"

"is that why you were seeing my mom" you said

"kinda" Alfred said

'well maybe we can hang out tomorrow, maybe I can ask liz if you can join us"

"I, I don't really like the beach" Alfred said in a rush

"ok then, then where should we hang out"

"here" Alfred sida

"well ok" you said "but if you change your mind you allways free to join"

"thanks that means a lot" alfred said  

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