Part 15

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"Ivan, IVAN COME OUT" yao shouted "where could of he gone to, i swear if he is playing hide and seek again i'm not going to be happy"

"have you noticed alfred been acting a bit sketchy lately" gilbert said

"no he is still so weird" yao said looking under the couch

"i think he up to something" gilbert said "i can't feel his present which is something i could always feel"

"over thinking it" yao said "right now we need to focus on finding ivan"

"yhea, gilbert said

-to you and alfred-

"so you're telling me you got stuck in a tree for two days" you said to alfred

"yeah... long story short i only broke one arm"

"oh god!" you said "that must of hurt like hell"

"it did" alfred said as he placed down card

"ok now it's your turn what the worst injury you ever got" alfred said

"well when i was nine, i was riding my bike, and it hti ona rock so i went flying over and smacked my nose straight on the sidewalk, and oh good it hurt, my mom rushed me to the hospital and i had to get a nose job at age nine to make a long story short"

"oh crap" alfred said

"ok alfred do you have any pets" you asked

"nope" he said "did you have any pets befor lilly"

"well i had a goldfish for while" you said, your phone rang

"hey liz" you said

"sorry i can't hang out with you and toni today"

"but why" she said

"im hanging out with my other friend right now"

"what other friends"

"i have other friends beside you and toin" your siad

"wow well i would of never guess, i will see you at school tomorrow"

"yeah see you then" you hung up

"who was that" alfred said

"just liz, but i told her was busy" you said, alfred looked behind you and saw gilbert giving him the world's most dirtiest look

"one second i have to use the bathroom" alfred said getting up, and walking out to the bathroom


"i was lying" alfred said

"YOU SON OF A-" gilbert was about to say when yao appeared

"i sense something" he said as he looked at alfred

"you're hanging out with her aren't you" he said

"yes i am" alfred said

"what did we tell you" yao said

"well i wasn't lisin, know both of you leave please, i have some fun to do" he snapped his fingers

"wait you little" gilbert wanted to say but he was gone

"how did you that" yao said

Alfred snapped his fingers and yao disappeared, they appeared in the basement

"that little creep" gilbert said"what the hell is wrong with him, am i right yao"

"o you think he hurt ivan" yao stated

""what alfred a puppy he couldn't hurt a fly" gilbert said "i think"

"i think i remember rivan saying something about darkness in alfred awakening in him"

"you don't the house is having some sort of affect on his mind do you" gilbert said

"hard to say" yao said "but we cannot rule out that alfred hurt ivan , we need to keep a closer eye on him"

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