Part 14

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"where is he" yao said scratching his head

"what chea looking for" alfred asked

"ivan he been missing for a while" he said

"geez i wonder what happened to him" alfred said

"i hope i find him soon other wise, the spirits will be getting out" yao said

"i'm going to try and look for him some more" yao said as he vanished

"good luck" alfred thought as he heard the door slam he vanished as he saw yous torm up to your room

"how could he" you mumbled as you went to your room and passed out on the bed,

"men really are jerks" you cried into your pillow

"why didn't he tell me he had a girlfriend" you muttered to lily she brushed against you face

"cats are really better than people" you said to her when she started to growl at the door

"what is it girl" you said holding her, she continued to hiss at it, alfred looked at her

"shhhh" he said lily still hissed at him

"come on i think we both need some fresh air " you said as you went to your backyard and sat her down. and looked up at the clouds

"why, why, i'm just being selfish, i had a nice time today, shouldn't of called him a jerk, i'm just pissed because he already has a girlfriend, still i thought maybe once i could meet a nice guy who was interested in me" you thought

"wow i really am a selfish person" you said

"no your not" you heard alfred voice his head peered over the fence

"alfred what are you doing here" yous aid

"taking a walk you know" he said"what wrong with you" he asked

"drama" you said

"welp it happens" alfred said, as he jumping over the fence "wanna give me the details"

"alfred why are you here for the real reason please"

"well i was taking a walk, i haven't been myself lately" he said

"i don't think any of us have" you said lily looked at him and gave a really big hiss, she showed her fangs and she went into pouncing state.

"lily be nice" you said picking her up "sorry she ually a lot nicer"

"it no problem" alfred said"can i sit" he said

"sure, i don't see why not" you said as he plopped down next to you

"hey i wanted to say i'm sorry for storming out of there like that" alfred said"it wasn't cool of of me and i should've made you feel for it"

"wow alfred, that very sweet of you" you said

"what up with you" alfred said

"guy problems" you stated

"spill it" alfred said

"no you will just think i'm awful" you said

"come on buddy i don't judge" alfred said

"well, i kinda of liked this guy, i thought we were going on a date, but it wasn't, his girlfriend showed up, and we'll talk about an awkward situation, so after we're done, i left, and i'm still bit pissy, and i should be i should respect their relationship but of course, he had to have girl friend and it making my brain confused" you said "alfred looked at you

"well hey if you ever wanna hang out with me i'm always free"

"your a nice guy alfred" you said "so how about tomorrow" you said"i'm still trying to recover from today events"

"yeah, that sounds good" alfred said with a smile

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