Part 16

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"ahh alfred" you said waving him as he waited on your porch

"hey name" he said running up and engulfing you in a hug

"alfred i was only gone for seven hours at school" you managed to breath out as he was squeezing the life force out of you

"yeah but i still missed you" he said you unlocked the door

"well i got butt loads of homeworks so looks like you can just eat all the food"

"yes" he did a fist bump, as you unlocked the door, your mom was standing in the kitchen

"oh your home" you said

"alfred can i please talk with [name] alone for minute or two"

"sure" alfred said as he walked out

"mom what wrong" you asked

"your dads what the matter" she said

"oh god what does the lying two faced want now" you said

"you're defiantly my daughter" she joked "but you see, he want out house, and if he doesn't get it... well you could be living with him" she said you dropped your bag

"but you won't let that happen right" you said

"of course not, but long story short, i can prevent this but i have to go out of town for a month"

"but, but" you said

"hey look at me, you're strong i'm sure you can survive for four weeks right"

"yeah but what if you lose! i don't wanna go with him" you said

"i'm not going to let anyone take you" she said "now perck up any other teenager would be thrilled about having the house to themselves"

"but what about food" you said

"i'm leaving a large sum of cash for you, take the rest and go buy something cute"

"but mom" you said

"i'm sorry, but i have to leave for four weeks" she said

"i understand it just, just i need minute" you said grabbing your bag and running to your room

"[name].." she said when the door cracked open

"can i come in" alfred said

'yhea alf" she said

"what wrong"

"she upset over some things, and i don't know what to do"

"can i talk to her" alfred asked

'if she will let you in" your mom said, alfred nodded and headed up the stairs he knocked on your room

"go away" you said

"hey let me in" alfred said

"no" you said

"come on, he knocked on the door repeatedly

"if i let you in will you stop that" you said

"yep" he said you opened it he walked in and saw you passed out on your bed he sat next to you, and hugged you, just hugged you

"you wanna tell me why mean [name] is out right now"

"it my dad" you said"being stupid,low life" you said

"what did he do" alfred asked

"basically either he get the house or me, either way if my mom loses, i'm going away" alfred eyes widened

"what, no, no you can't leave" he said

"i don't wanna leave,just when things were looking up for me, he comes in and crashes it down, i hate him so much" you said, alfred stayed silent when he heard a small cry

"[name] please don't cry" alfred said

"you can't just stop crying" you weep "why does this always happen to me, when things look up someone always brings it back down"

"hey, hey it going to be ok, your mom a smart woman i'm sure she will figure it out" alfred said as he grabbed you pulling you into his chest where he just let you cry

"don't worry nobody's going to take you away" he said

"i won't let them" he thought  

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