Part 24

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"so you're sure everything is going ok" your mom asked

"yes mom everything is fine" you said as you snacked on one of the cookies you and alfred had made and managed not to burn the house down.

"now i hope you're studying, oh and also hows alfred doing" she asked you almost spat out your cookie

"i have no idea what you're talking about" you said

"girl, i know you have had him over, tell me what happen" she said

"we drank some juice and watched old spongebob episodes" you said

"that it" she said

"WHAT ELSE WE BE DOING" you yelled

"i think we all know, teenager and there hormones" she laughed

"mom! no" you said

"haha you know i'm kidding with you" she said "anyway i have to go back for the second time today, i swear to god if harold pulls another move like this i will shove this pencil so far up his"

"mom chill, anyway i'm going to go"

"bye sweetie" she said and hung up, you laid back in your chair as you tried to get thsi stupied equation

"i hope the guy who invented math is burning in hell right now" you thougth when alfred put his hands on your shoulders, you jumped straight out of your seat almost smacking him in the face but he dogged it.

"ALFRED! how many times have asked you to stop that!" you snapped at him

"ops i forgot... whatcha doing" he said evading the first question

"Algebra" you said

"man that stink, but you're doing it wrong, the y2 is supposed to go here" he said

"how do you know" you said

"well when high school kids have been coming in out of this house, you get bored and read math homework"

"you poor thing" you said

"here let me help you" he said sitting next to you"

"thanks alfred" you said, while you were having problems with math yao and gilbert were having their own problems

"GILBERT OVER THERE" yao said as spirit knocked over gallon of gasoline,on the floor.

"Shit!" gilbert said as the spirit lit a fire, causing the fire to go up, zao backed up and as gilbert went in and tackled the spirit on the fire, causing eh spirit to vanish and the fire to go out.

"that was to close good thing i was here!, why you freeze up like that"

"are stupid or something aru,I mean for one thing how you know that you plan would work"

"i didn't" gilbert said standing up dusting off his shirt,

"idiot geez without ivan here there getting harder to catch" Yao said "i'm still worried about what alfred has done to him" , gilbert was mopping up the rest of the gas

"well the good news is, it looks like alfred has calmed down a little, he turned into his old self"

"because of the girl, what if she get taken away or something, heaven know what alfred will do"

"well let's just hope that doesn't happen" gilbert said as he threw the rang in the trash can

"we have to do more then hope, it hasn't done any good for any of us" yao said as the went to the basement

"so that what the tenth spirit this week" yao said "geez they're popping out of the ground like daisy, i'm too old of this shit" he said as he sat down on a old chair

gilbert sat down on the floor as he concentrated "there still no sign of him Yao sorry"

"of course we been doing this forever" yao said "maybe alfred somehow let his spirit out of the house"

"nah" gilbert said" if had that power he would of gotten rid of us to" gilbert said,

"should we go check on them" yao said

"i will" gilbert said as he vanished then came back ten second later with look of horror on his face

"what is it"

"there um how do i put this... kissing" gilbert said

"WHAT!" yao said, "it was bad enough as it is, knowing he is a ghost, being friends with her, oh great stupid teenagers yao said as he appeared and sure enough saw you to iss

"bleck" yao said before teleporting back to the basement "that just not good"

"gross" Gilbert said

"we need to comfort him again" gilbert said

"no if we do that" yao said " you know what will happen he will go on a rampage"

"then what do we do" Gilbert said

"the girl" yao said "even if is against the rules we need to warn her about Alfred"  

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