Part 36

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 "is it clear" Toin said

"yep" you said as you pulled the mask over your face as you hopped the graveyards fence, you used your flashlight as you two looked around for gilbert grave, ivan and yao were already done but it was getting later and you still had gilbert and Alfred to torch

"you looked for gilbert grave when you saw two sleeping dogs by a house

"liz be very quite" you said as she hopped over the fence, toin hopped over but feel on his face, you looked around until you saw his grave

"found it" you said as you started to dig your shoulder were killing you as liz looked like some sort of digging machine, you hit to coffeen and toin opened the lid, gilbert skelton was there

"you know nor my kids are age are at parties and here we are burying bones" Liz said

"yeha get the gasoline" you said as you all got out of the hole, and sprayed the coffeen in, toin madea cross with his fingers on his chest, as you lit the match and the grave went up in flames

"thanks again gilbert" you said as you two left

"what the time

"four thirty the sun is coming up we need to hurry" she said as she dragged you all away to the car you ptu the shovels the back as you drove to the last rave yard, you three hopped out and jumped the fence and toin once again feel on his face

"come on we have one hour to find and burn him" you said as you looked thru the graveyard"

"i found it" toin said

you ran over and it said

"here lies alfred f jones a boy taken to soon, may his soul rest in peace"

"well we're about to make that happen"liz said as she started digging

"shit the sun is coming up" Toin said as you hit the coffin

"it 5:39 give me the gas" Liz said as she doused his body You three hooped up

"later alfred" you said as you threw the match in it went up in flames

"it done" you sid


"RUN!" liz said as you three ran away from the person, you three hopped the fence and liz started the car just as you got in. the man yelled but he didn't see any of you

"someone call the cops" he yelled then he turned back to the grave, he panicked as he got a garden hose, and put out the fire.

"what type of satanic cult is this" he said as he looked in

"well it not all gone at least" he said as he began to grab a shovel and then buried him again, alfred spirit was still in the house. you just didn't know this.

~at liz house~

You three burned your clothes mask, gloves and shoes, and then she threw burned the shovels.

"there all evidence is gone" Toin said

"that was to close" you said

"but we did it and i need to repent for my sins" Toin said

"gee thanks but they're free, and i don't have to worry about any longer" you said

"glad to hear it" Liz said

"now we got all the dirt off everything is gone"

"it funny how three tenager can cover up a crime better than most adults" you said

"well our only motive was to free ghost" Toin said

"yeah thanks again guys, i shodu let going home" you said

"you sure" Liz said

"yeah, and i need to call my mom she probably freaking out" you said

"here i will give you a ride" Liz said

"thanks guys and this stays between us"  

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