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VexDeathmoon asks:

"1- Why can't I be your assistant?

2- What's your opinion on Christian Pure Spy? 

3- What do you look for in a girl? *blushes while fuming about how goddamn hot you are*"

CBS: You can be moi assistant. Oi nevah said ya can't.

Me: *sits back down, now that everyone has calmed down a bit.*

CBS: *sits down next to me* He's a nice bloke. A friend. He sometoimes visits me at moi cabin. 

Me: *is interested in his next answer*

CBS: *chuckles* Well, oi loike 'em foisty. Oi loike it when their strong and tough. But... Oi also loike them ta be passionate. *points with his thumb at me* Loike this sheila. *points at ILOVE and love4* Or them.

TatjanaMirkovic asks:

"Lets make somethibg clear u wont hurt markipliersGf or ILOVE and aspecialy not medic or i will put my hand so far up your mouth im going to pull Our enternal organs .DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR!!!!!!!!*grabs CBS by the collar and pulls him down to her level*"

CBS: *laughs* And this sheila too. *easily breaks out of your grip, still smiling* And ya do make yourself clear. *mumbles* I'll be hurting them in a different way then ya think mate. 'Cept for that Medic bloke. Oi'll just kill 'im.

Me: Don't.

CBS: *laughs* Oi won't. Not roight now anyway. Oi'm enjoyin' this. 


"*pouts* Awww but ii wuv hat. *tries to grab hat bit is to small*

1) I D@re CBS to kiss medics cheeks!! 

2) I D@re you two t@ke off your shiirt. >:3"

Me: Oh yeah. Hey everybody! We're doing dares now so you can go ahead and dare these guys to do something if you'd like. You can dare me too. 

CBS: *sighs* Let's get this over with. "walks over to Medic, grips his face hard and kisses his cheek* Uck! *spits*

Me: *is smirking as CBS comes back* So how was it?

CBS: Don't say another word. 

Medic: ... Vell... Zhat vas interesting... I guess I should do zhe ozher dare. *takes off shirt, showing his muscles*

CBS: *smirks* This is for you sheilas. *stands up and takes shirt off. You can see his strong muscles, and his scars on his body. They were light pink and looked like they were pretty bad wounds before. possibly lethal*

Me: *blushes... stares at CBS's scars* 

@Newuha123 asks:

"Why is it fun to kill people...and do u kill ur own teammates ? *trys to hug CBS but too short* >////<"

CBS: *chuckles darkly* Oi foind it fun for many reasons. There's a lot ta say, and it'd probably scare ya all. So oi won't say. Oi don't really consider moiself bein' part of either of the teams. Oi loike killin' RED and BLU. Also, *pulls you into him for a comforting embrace* There ya go. Whoi don't ya ask s'more questions.


TF2 Q & ATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon