Jealous, Hobbies, Kisses, and Pizza!

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@MrContinuing asks:

"So... CBS... I wonder how jealous gentlespy is right now, with you hanging out with CPS and all of your fans... *smirks*"

CBS: Nah. Not really. He's been off doing his own things, as oi have been doing. 

CPS: *is still staring at me*

Me: *is asleep on CBS's back* 

CBS: ILOVE? Can oi set Brooke down now? Oi think it's been 4 asks. The first one oi started carrying her counted as the first ask didn't it? So this is the fourth and oi can set her down?

CPS: We shall see. Next question.

love4music24 asks:

"*yawns * c..cute, umm I d..don't need s..sleep......

so, CPS what do you do for, or as a hobby?"

CPS: Please, Mademoiselle, get some rest. I do many sings. As a hobby, I'm not quite sure. *smiles at CBS* I often hang out wis him. I help him out from time to time and visit.

CBS: Yep.

TF2_BLU_FemScout asks:

"So since a dare is a dare and you have to do it...... Cps and CBS , I dare you to kiss me!! *fangirls like a idiot * I-I'm really into c-crazy and calm g-guys..... *blushes*"

CBS & CPS: *smirk at each other. Stand up and walk to both sides of you. Lean in at the same time, and kiss your cheeks softly*

CPS: Zhere you go. You are a beautiful woman.

CBS: *winks*

@YouReadMyUsername asks:

"Dare for Med, order a pizza and tell the delivery guy "this is just what the doctor ordered." >]"

Medic: *sighs, then laughs* Vhatever. *takes out a phone and dials a number*

Everyone: *waits and listens to the ringing*

Medic: Hallo? Ah, yes. I vould like to order 3 large pizzas. Vone vith everysing on it but peppers, and vone zhat is half cheese and half pepperoni, and vone zhat is just sausage..... Mhm... mhm.... Yes, zhat's zhe order. Zhe address is (address). Danke. Bye. *hangs up*

Everyone but me: Yes! We're getting-!

Me: *stirs in my sleep*

CPS: *puts his finger to his lips* SSHH! She is sleeping! *whisper-yells*

Everyone: *whispers* Sorry. 

~~Time skip~~

Everyone: *hears the door bell*

Medic: *sighs*

Everyone: *follows Medic to the door* 

Me: *still asleep on CBS's back*

Medic: *opens door*

Pizza guy: Hello! That'll be (amount). 

Medic: *hands him the money* Yes. 

Everyone but me: *starts laughing, but is trying to hold it in*

Medic: Zhis is just vhat zhe doctor ordered....

Pizza Guy: ... I see.... 

Medic: *takes the pizza*

Pizza Guy: Have a good day now. *leaves*

Medic: Bye. *shuts the door* Zhat vas stupid.

Everyone: *bursts out laughing*


Me: *flutters eyes open, still on CBS's back* H-huh? *rubs my eyes and yawns* What's going on?

CPS: Great. You all woke her up.

Everyone: Sorry....

Me: *smiles tiredly* It's okay. *looks around* I think you can set me down now.

CBS: Alroight. *sets me down* 

Me: Oo! Yay! Pizza! 

CPS: Why don't you all ask more questions and dares.

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