Dreams and Rainbow Closets

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mysticfairy16 asks: 

"Hmm... damn chu curiosity... Okay I know the questions are getting annoying now but I've got loads of them...

What is you're biggest dream and also...  

all in favor of locking Scout in a rainbow coated room say I"

Me: I love all the questions! We all have fun answering them! Now, my biggest dream... *whispers to you* Is to see the guys have a shirtless dance party...

Medic: Oh! Mine was to be able to experiment on mein patients! And look vhere I am now!

Me: Goddamn it Medic...

Medic: Vhat?

Sniper: Ta be the number 1 Sniper. *grins and slowly lifts up #1 Sniper mug*


Demo: Soldier, calm down!

Soldier: Sorry. Meet the president and Sun Tzu.

Pyro: *goes on and on and on about a dream he had that was all cute with rainbows, bubbles and unicorns. As he keeps talking because we can't understand him we move on.*

Demo: Ta become the richest man in the world and nevah haff ta work again.

Heavy: For me to get revenge on men who harmed me and my family long ago.

Me: *pats Heavy comfortingly on the arm*

Scout: Ta get laid with Miss Pauling.

Me: *laughs* That'll never happen.

Engie: Well, ah've always dreamed of bein' able to make a difference in the world and make a life changin' invention. 

Me: *smiles happily*

Spy: My biggest dream was to be zhe greatest spy in zhe world.

Scout: And look what a shit spy he became. 

Everyone: *reads the question again* 

Spy: I!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: I!

Medic: I

Heavy: I

Demo: I

Engie: I

Pyro: Mmph mm mph mmph mmm mmpph?

{Can't we all just get along?}

Soldier: I!!

Sniper: Oi!


Heavy: But... we don't have rainbow closet....

Everyone: ...

Me: Shit.

Spy: Oh well. Zhe moment has passed. Ask some more questions! Zhis is quite fun.

~~Some time later... (Sponge Bob reference lol)~~

Me: *sees the video in the beginning* Oh... my... god... *fangasms*

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